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Structured Water Stories: Tim N. Toula

I walked in on Clayton’s talk on the energy of water seemingly randomly and within minutes like many others in the room became mesmerized by what this man was sharing about the energy of seemingly simple and everyday water. I became so fascinated that I bought a handheld structured water device within a few hours and immediately began to test and understand the power of these novel devices in the months following in my health practice with many patients.

Like many practitioners of acupuncture, chiropractic, and nutritional/herbal techniques, I have searched the world studying and practicing, good health with many amazing practitioners and patients in depth.

Tagged in: structured water water
Hits: 75746
The Intelligence of Structured Water

It all seemed to have begun when the movie What The Bleep Do We Know? exposed the world to the wondrous workings of Masuro Emoto and his discovery within the field of water. Who would have ever believed that water holds memory, a kind of cellular intelligence. That's what Emoto discovered when he looked through his microscope and found that water that had been told different messages or gone through certain processing plants had taken on different forms. Good messages held miraculous looking snowflake structures while bad messages or water from certain city tap systems were distorted, ugly and basically structureless. That's where the new creation of Structured Water Units comes into play which are water filters that actually restructure water back to health. It has been discovered that you can restructure water just like how water running down a river or through a spring structures water. The Structured Water Unit not only reprograms your waters intelligence it also pulls the toxins like chlorine and fluoride into the water molecule so that you don't absorb these things. If you go to you can watch a really good video with the creator of the Structured Water Unit. You will learn all about the wonderful world of structured water.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 10703
Space Time Continuum, Lost & Structured Water Portals

If you are like me and are hooked on the TV series Lost, then you probably like the concept of space and time travel. This topic has been debated over for decades and I find it to be incredibly fascinating. Is it possible to create portals that allow us to travel or at least transmit and receive information from different regions within the space time continuum? I say yes. I believe that if you can somehow create a vortex point within our dimension you can peep out into the dimensions around us and via those dimensions you can travel, transmit or receive information from different points within the space time continuum. Now I know that I don't have a physics degree so whatever I say here could easily be ignored and possibly shut down, but please allow me the space to have some fun.

I believe that water is one of the most powerful forces on this planet. If water is put into certain circumstances I believe it is capable of creating the type of vortex or portal that allows us to transmit or receive information from other dimensions. One type of circumstance could be the structured water scenario. When water passes over a particular geometric shape like the ones in the Structured Water Units, it then begins a vortex type spin state which allows the water to become structured. It is the same phenomenon that occurs when water runs down a river and hits particular boulders.

Does this mean that you can time travel using a Structured Water Unit? Probably not. But will your water receive information from another dimension? Possibly. Of course I don't have the expertise or the scientific resources to prove it but it's still a fun concept to think about.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 23236

Some people were concerned when Michael Phelps got caught smoking pot, but why isn't anyone concerned about all the chlorinated water he swims in? Chlorine is a powerful oxidant and is used in bleaching and disinfectants. It was originally discovered in 1774 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele. Scheele mistakenly thought it contained oxygen. Humphry Davy gave it its name in 1810 after insisting that it was in fact an element.

Though there is a limited body of research done on the harmful effects on the body and environment there is evidence that causes for a closer look. As a gas Chlorine has been found to have an adverse effect on the lungs and immune system. In the body there is certainly concern that Chlorine can be carcinogenic.

"The EPA has raised skin absorption of chlorine to its top 10 carcinogen Watch List."

The Washington Post, June 1994

"Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home because of the chlorine in the water." 

Environmental Protection Agency

Dr. Lance Wallace

Chlorine can also be hard on the environment. Laboratory studies show that repeat exposure to chlorine in air can affect the immune system, the blood, the heart, and the respiratory system of animals. Chlorine is especially harmful to organisms living in water and in soil.

So what can you do to protect you and your loved ones from Chlorine? Well there are many water filters that you can install in your home to filter out Chlorine. The Structured Water Unit is great because it won't only protect you against Chlorine but other toxins as well. You can even use it to fill up your pool and then you can also convert your pool into a salt water pool instead of a Chlorinated one. But if you still want to use Chlorine in your pool, Structured Water requires less Chlorine for pools.

So if we are going to educate the public about toxins, maybe we should'nt limit ourselves to just illegal toxins.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 23179
Can't find a job due to the recession?  Drink lots of water.

I can not emphasize it enough, when times are tough, you have to drink plenty of water. Why? Because when the body is stressed out it produces more adrenaline. Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands which the body makes in order to put us into a fight or flight mode for survival. The problem is that it takes more work for our kidneys to filter adrenaline. How can you help your kidneys do their job? Drink more water.

To be safe you should at least apply the "8 by 8" rule. This means eight 8 oz. glasses of water a day. Does it matter what type of water you drink? Yes. Most tap water is filled with chlorine and fluoride and holds a very distorted memory. Remember that our body is about 60% - 80% structured water. Structured water is intelligent water that holds a good clean memory. Structured water is not missing any electrons around its outer orbit like unstructured water. Structured water also has less surface tension so it's much easier to hydrate the cells in our body. I obviously recommend structured water. If you can't get structured water, then distilled, filtered reverse osmosis or spring water will suffice. Actually spring water straight from the source is probably the best water you could drink because it's structured and fresh. But not everyone has access to fresh spring water.

It is also important to get lots of rest and take good care of yourself. People tend to want to escape when times are tough. Now a good book or a movie is one thing, but going out and getting drunk every night is another. Not only are you dehydrating your body but you are making it even harder for you kidneys and liver to do their job. Not to mention all the money you are spending on alcohol. Sure it seems like a good idea at the time and you might laugh at my advice but take another look at this article the next morning. Then give me your comments. You will see then that I'm just looking out for you.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 21008

My 8 best tips for staying healthy

    1. Drink lots of clean structured water (
    2. Eat more organic raw foods, such as salads, fruit, nuts, seeds and superfoods.
    3. Drink your greens and eat your fruit (Juice Greens)
    4. Eat less meat and dairy.
    5. Exercise, practice yoga, breathe (prana) and meditate.
    6. Laugh More.
    7. Spend time with loved ones.
    8. And do what you love.

P.S. - You should also check out Green Lifestyles Magazine, they tend to have great articles about this stuff.

Have a wonderful day!

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 18997

Superfoods are an amazing way to get all the minerals and vitamins in your body in a world where food is over processed and soil is depleted. Even organic produce these days are lacking the proper minerals, vitamins and conductivity that we need because our soil has been raped and plundered by pesticides, DDT and a lack of love. And since most supplements on the market today are over processed and lack the proper enzyme content to absorb the vitamins and minerals, we only get about 5-10% from this source and so waste our money and time. This is where Superfoods come in. These are Goji Berries, Bee Pollen, Spirulina, E3 Live, Coconut Water, Raw Cacao, Kombucha, Nutritional Yeast (some), Chlorella, Acai, Royal Jelly, Sea Vegetables, Phytoplankton, Purple Corn, Noni Juice and Incan berries. And there are more being discovered all the time. They taste great, give you lots of energy and truly provide a high level of health. Here are some great places to go for these Vivapura, Elements For Life and Sunfood. And of course water is the ultimate superfood especially structured water.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 88928
How Do You Test The Structure Of Water?

We use the Gas Discharge Visualization Machine or GDV Machine which acts like an advanced kirlian camera that takes pictures of the energy of the water. The structured water that Clay is promoting has the highest energy flow so far of any of the watersout there, including R/O, other filters, and other things claiming to bestructured.  I'm sure there are other ways of measuring structure, but we,the general populace, don't have access to them yet.

Go to to find out more about it and its' inventor Dr. Konstantin Korotkov.  Konstantin Korotkov, a physicist, has traveled aroundthe world sharing insights gained from the bio-photonic imaging technology thathe developed, alternately called, Gas Discharge Visualization, or GDV. It is acomputer-based system that allows energetic readings to be taken on humanbeings, animals and plants, plus environments and products. It promises to helphumanity change its perception, not only of each other, but how we interactwith our world.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 23027

by Clayton Nolte

An exercise one may express to the universe is when you are in the space of wanting to change your life: just before you are about to go to sleep ask that all your demands, payers and/or requests that have not been made manifest be erased. You may have to see them on a big black board and physically erase them or you may have to blow them up but do not review them or bring them into mind, this just reinforces them to be more in your life.  When you wake up you will feel alive, awake, alert and exuberant.

Another exercise is before you go to bed at night, fill up a paper cup (a white natural recycled cup would be best) with the purest water you can find, preferably natural spring water (not distilled) from a verified pure source or structured water from a water structuring device.

Before lying down, close your eyes, thank the universe for your day, and focus on what you would like your reality to be for tomorrow. What would you like the universe to bring or show you, and what would you like to give.

After you have in your mind what you would specifically like from the universe tomorrow, look at your paper cup of water, and focus those thoughts into the water as if the water were the whole universe (it is).

"Then, to further manifest and have the water help you, write on the paper cup your wishes or intentions that you thought of for tomorrow.  Sometimes this may just be a general good principal, such as, "tomorrow I would like to be amazingly creative and glowing with love," or it can be as specific as you want such as, "tomorrow I would like to solve my challenge with such and such a situation."

After you do this with complete clarity of mind and gratitude, drink half of the cup of water, and go to sleep knowing that the water is reverberating with great intensity and acting as a magnifying antenna to the universe. The water in your body that you drank already has your intentions in it and is still connected to the water in the cup which is connected to EVERYTHING and it is working its best at helping you send your message to the universe. Its structure IS actually changing your thoughts and this is provable by science to even the most skeptical naysayers. As you sleep, your subconscious mind will continue to communicate with the water, both in your body, and that still in the cup, and it will change its structure into what you concentrated on, so that when you wake up in the morning, and finish the other half of the cup of water, you will literally be drinking your dreams!

This will have them reverberate even more powerfully through your whole being. Do this every night, and see what happens, manifestations multiply and health increases at ever faster rates. Water is the most beautiful, mutable and affected thought physical substance that we humans have. Water is the ultimate physical manifestation within the hologram of our existence, and if you love your water, it will love you back and help you along your path. Water is alive and aware.   Be in joy!

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 14664
Hidden Water In Your Products

Here is an awesome article I found about being mindful of our water print.  With the Structured Water Unit you can use less water to hydrate your garden.

Hidden Water In Your Products

by Libuse Binder

Published on July 12th, 2010

By now, most of us are familiar with the usual water-saving tips: don’t leave water running unnecessarily, time your showers, install low-flow shower heads and resist the urge to unnecessarily water the lawn or wash the car.

You can also reuse greywater when appropriate (water from rinsingveggies can be used to water plants, for example), landscape withindigenous plants that don’t require more water than the location canprovide and run the dishwasher with a full load.

But what about all of the water “hidden” in just about every productwe buy? Hidden or virtual water is a relatively new term, developed byProfessor John Anthony Allen, which explores the concept of the waterneeded to grow/feed, manufacture, and process the products we buy, aswell as water used in industry in general.

Some everyday products, such as coffee and cotton, have anespecially high hidden water content. By being mindful of your virtualwater use, you can greatly reduce the total amount of water you use.


According to the EPA, agricultural irrigation accounts for more than 142 billion gallons of fresh water per day.

Photo: Flickr/Julien Harneis

Calculate your waterprint

As with your carbon footprint, the first step toward reduction is finding out how much water you are using and becoming more aware of the amount of water necessary to create the products you consume. Check outthe water footprint calculator at the Water Footprint Network in order to calculate your number.

If your footprint is high, you are in line with the national trend –the United States uses almost twice as much water as the United Kingdom– but there is plenty you can easily do to develop a new approach tohow you use one of our most precious commodities.

Once you know your number, it is easy to reduce your water print by using only what you need, reusing and buying secondhand, reducing packaging, composting and recycling and striving to buy products with the lowest water print...

Read full article here

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 18313

While discussing the fascinating world of structured water with Clayton Nolte recently, we got onto the topic of the importance of energy and how this works with the memory of water. In this conversation Clayton Nolte told me that anger can actually make hydrogen in water dissipate. While I am an avid writer and researcher of water, I am also a student of psychotherapy and this information about emotions and water had me perplexed. After a night of thinking about it this was my response to Clayton:

"So I've been thinking about what you said about hydrogen dissipating in the face of anger. My first response to this was 'Wow, what a judgmental Universe.' Emotions are part of our daily life and some people just can't help it that they are angry or have other emotions. Due to the interconnected nature of the Universe, our way of being today is influenced by the way the world has been leading up to this moment.  In contemplative psychotherapy we learn to help people to remove self-aggression by not judging their anger or whatever emotion they have. But it's true that our hope is to help them unwind their anger or suffering. So I'm thinking now that that agenda is built into the heart-mind just as it is built into the Universe. The Earth was designed by the Universe to give life. This is supported by the exchange of noble gases, precious elements, subtle energies and so on. In an effort to balance out destruction, it makes sense that the Universe would give us an emotion such as anger as a survival mechanism but then see that since that emotion can also become destructive, such as when it turns into hate, that it then creates an environment which won't sustain it for long periods of time without dire consequences.

In my new field of therapy, we have to be careful with some of the manifesting arts and sciences, such as law of attraction, because some people will 'stuff' their emotions.  Instead of acknowledging their emotions and how they play within their relative existence, they will spiritually bypass them and shoot into an absolute frame of mind which doesn't leave much room for the balance of relative and absolute. This can lead to self aggression and a deprivation of loving-kindness.

So my hesitation to fully receive what you said yesterday about how hydrogen won't sustain anger had a lot to do with compassion. I'm now in the business of helping people accept themselves as they are and where they are in life at this present moment, so it was hard to hear that the Universe would use judgment. But after thinking about it more, my response is now 'Wow, what a discernable Universe.' If hydrogen dissipates in the face of certain emotions then the Universe is actually helping to balance out destructive energies so that life will become more sustainable and possibly have less suffering."

These are just some thoughts I wanted to share.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 13034
Brain and Water

As a graduate student who studies both the brain and water I have become interested in the importance of this topic. In school I study psychotherapy which involves the brain, body, heart, mind and soul (depending on which school you study at). Outside of school I help promote structured water through my website. What I recently learned is that 80-85% of our brain is water. Which is not surprising considering how much of the world and our bodies is water. But what this means to me is that I need to DRINK LOTS OF WATER and to me STRUCTURED WATER IS THE BEST WATER FOR THE BRAIN. There are two main reasons I am saying this:

    1. When I was in Undergrad I would drink lots of caffeine to stay up and study and write papers for school. But guess what? I would always crash and need more caffeine and then the next day I would feel really drained. But when I started to change my diet about 8 years ago I began to eat mostly raw foods and drink lots of quality water. I would also get more structured water from the raw fruits and vegetables I was eating because they naturally have structured water in them. Now that I am in Graduate School I probably study even more but now I apply my new way of eating and drinking to how I study. What does this mean? It means that when I study I drink lots of structured water from my Structured Water Unit throughout the night. And guess what? I have lots of energy and concentration while I study when I drink lots of water for my brain. And the next day I still have plenty of energy.
    2. The other reason drinking lots of structured water for the proper brain and water equation is important is that structured water is easy for our cells to absorb. Because the molecules of the water have become structured and dynamically harmonized through the vortexing technology of a Structured Water Unit the water becomes easier to assimilate. Many people have noticed that when they drink structured water that it doesn't slosh around in their stomach like other water does. This is because structured water is easier to absorb and so has a better chance of delivering hydration to your brain.

So the next time you need to stay up all night and study, the best thing you can do to stay up and study is drink lots of structured water. Our brains are mostly made of water, not coffee. And even if you think tea is better than coffee you have to remember that caffeine in general can dehydrate us and it's been cited on the internet that with dehydration, the level of energy generated in the brain is decreased. So if you do drink caffeine in any form it is smart to drink more water. I hope this brain and water post was useful for you and if you have more questions about structured water please visit

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 10672

Today I want to write about my appreciation of Mother Earth and the spring water she provides.

Growing up in Sedona, AZ I was lucky to have a spring of water just down the road in the Oak Creek Canyon. Looking on (a great resource) I saw that it is actually called Harding Spring which I never knew. We just referred to it as "spring water from the canyon." It is amazing water that is cold, fresh and really invigorating. Some of my favorite memories is returning back to Sedona after being gone for a while and stopping off for spring water as I pull into the canyon. I literally feel a surge of energy in my body when I drink this water after a long day of driving. As I drink the water and head home, I'll usually roll down the windows and take in the fresh canyon breeze filled with the wonderful smell of the running Oak Creek water and the campfires from the campsites.

Maybe this is one of the reasons I'm so involved with getting the best structured water to the world. My hope is that everyone someday gets to taste fresh spring water (go to to find a spring) but if they can't access spring water I hope that they can at least restructure their water with a Wu Wei Structured Water Unit.

The Wu Wei Structured Water Unit will erase the bad polluted memory in water and give it a fresh start. If you aren't familiar with the way water records memory you should check out this Crystalline Water article.

Thank you Mother Earth and the Oak Creek Canyon for providing us with amazing naturally structured spring water for all these years!


To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.


Hits: 13636

I just received an amazing testimonial on the benefits of structured water from a customer who recently bought a Structured Water Unit. The customer would rather remain anonymous so I couldn't put it on the main structured water testimonials page (we only use testimonials on the main website when we can put a name to it) but I thought I would share it on the blog because it is a really powerful experience they are having with the water.

Here it is:

"Haven’t got the Whole House Unit installed yet, but have been using the “mobile unit” (Portable Unit) since receiving it. Curiously, the first glass with 4x thru the mobile unit sparked a strong urge for more … all of a sudden it seems that my body prefers structured water to plain water as well as the various soda’s I consumed (Canada Dry Ginger Ale or Canfield Sparkling Seltzer water, neither of which use corn fructose) so, I’ve been drinking 5-6 8oz glasses w/ice cubes per day for a few weeks now. I also been giving our two dogs structured water and they too 'like' it.

What I’ve noticed physically is my on-going continuous sinus drainage (last five years w/no help whatsoever from medical establishment) has hugely diminished. Formerly, I required nightly use of Breath Right nose strips in order to simply breath while sleeping, otherwise I’d awaken 3-4 times nightly and have to blow my nose and sometimes use a Netty-pot just to nose-breath again. 3-4 days following first use of the mobile unit I noticed my nose wasn’t plugged before retiring to bed, so I thought 'let’s try tonight w/o Breath Right' … I had the first night without awakening with plugged nose in years A few days later (about 10 days from start of Structured water) I noticed my hemorrhoids which I’ve been treating nightly for three years w/SSKI & DMSO 50/50 were now rapidly shrinking! This was literally a 'holy f*@kin’ sh*t! moment' … no kidding!  For years now the SSKI-DMSO treatment had stopped progression of hemorrhoid protrusion, but had not reversed it … now suddenly it was reversing with nothing being any different in my daily life (food, activity level, vitamin consumption, etc.) … Wow!

Certainly, I have not run any double blind studies on myself, so this is purely anecdotal however, my nasal blockage and hemorrhoids of several years standing have absolutely been reduced to relative insignificance, so I am rightly enthusiastic and endorse Structured water.

Now then, the theoretical hexagonal water molecule structure by definition incorporates the ability for elimination, extraction, and cleansing of malformed energies (toxic physical presences in one’s body) such that over time one becomes healthier energy-wise. This then shows up as increased mental acuity and physical energy. I am 71 in two weeks and I have most definitely experienced the improvements noted above. Hallelujah "

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 104166
Mystery of Water

I'm sure by now many of us are aware of the mystery of water. Water not only supports our day to day life but it actually makes life possible. We are mostly water. Have you ever really thought about that? You are mostly made up of water! What does this mean? Well one thing it means is that we should be looking more closely into the mystery of water.

Fortunately scientists are starting to take a closer look and it seems that part of that mystery lies in the structure of water. stated how "Scientists now admit they don't understand the intricacies of how water works (1)." Studies like the one Anders Nilsson did in 2004 with the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center shows evidence that water is more loosely bound than once thought. When water is in ice form the molecules grab onto each other and form tetrahedrons or three-sided pyramids. But when ice melts, what happens to this structure?

Richard Saykally from University of California, Berkely, who questions the structure of water with a skeptic eye, defends the traditional picture, which is that the structure of water continues to look like ice with four hydrogen bonds around each molecule and that the difference is that around 10% of the hydrogen bonds are broken.

Nilsson and his group however claim that water in liquid form has a new structure. They say that the molecules of water grab only two of its neighbors. At room temperature 80% are like this and the rest have the traditional idea of four hydrogen bonds.

These studies could indicate that we need to continue to question the chemistry we have been taught in textbooks. The understanding of chemistry is evolving and while the old information served its purpose to educate us about what we knew at the time it's important to take in the new data from new technologies and studies to see where we may have been wrong. With an open mind we can move forward and make more scientific discoveries about subjects like the mystery of water.

In 2009 the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory published an article which states that "the molecular structure of water has remained a mystery, with the substance exhibiting many strange properties that are still poorly understood (2).

"SLAC goes on to say that "In all, water exhibits 66 known anomalies, including a strangely varying density, large heat capacity and high surface tension. Contrary to other "normal" liquids, which become denser as they get colder, water reaches its maximum density at about 4 degrees Celsius. Above and below this temperature, water is less dense; this is why, for example, lakes freeze from the surface down. Water also has an unusually large capacity to store heat, which stabilizes the temperature of the oceans, and a high surface tension, which allows insects to walk on water, droplets to form and trees to transport water to great heights."

SLAC has been discovering that fluctuations in water due to different temperatures are leading to distinct local structures which previously weren't thought to exist at ambient temperatures. They go on to say that "Connecting the molecular structure of water with its bulk properties in this way is tremendously important for fields ranging from medicine and biology to climate and energy research.

"In 2010, Nilsson stated that, "water is not only important for us but it is also a little bit weird" and "without it being this weird we probably wouldn't exist."

I hope this inspires you to ponder further the mystery of water, or shall I say, the mystery of what you are mostly made of.

For more information about the mystery of water go to


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To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 19724
Summer Water

As the fall sets in and it begins to get cold I am reminiscent of summer water. I was fortunate to spend some time back in Sedona, AZ over the summer. While I was back there I was able to go to the creek with old friends and my brother many times. We even found a new favorite spot which is an amazing swimming hole.

Sedona has wonderfully beautiful red rock mountains and the creek flows between these red rocks. The summer water is a perfect temperature to cool down from the hot Arizona heat. Though I actually appreciate the Arizona heat after a long winter in northern Colorado. Not that I'm complaining to be living in Boulder, CO. I was even also able to get a nice dose of summer water from the Boulder creek which reminds me a bit of the Oak Creek in Sedona.

I grew up in Sedona and some of my favorite memories are going to the creek day after day in the summer. All my friends would meet up there and have a blast. Back then we were more daring and would jump off the cliffs and do crazy flips and acrobats. Though we did do some cliff jumping this summer but the acrobats have toned down quite a bit.

One of my favorite things to do this last summer was to dunk my body and stay under as long as I could and just sense the water and the Earth as mindfully as possible. A good friend of mine took me to a special creek spot in Telluride this year when the water was still very cold but we both got in anyways. Although he was the only one to get all the way in. He told me that it really grounded him to the Earth. So this summer I really paid attention to that and he was right, water is a great  connector to the Earth. There were even times when we were at a favorite spot of ours in Sedona called Essene Beach and I would go under the water and feel so connected to the Earth that old memories of being connected to it and specifically the creek, would surface in my consciousness and I could even feel it in my bones. I love Water and Earth and all the elements dearly. Thank you life!

If you have any favorite summer water stories, please feel free to share them in the comments below. I look forward to hearing about your connection to life. Not only do I miss summer water in the Fall and Winter but I miss hearing the laughter of kids and adults enjoying it.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 25715

I recently watched an episode of How The Universe Works and in it Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku claimed that "Hydrogen atoms in water were born shortly after the Big Bang and then came everything else." Now if that doesn't get you thinking about hydrogen and water I don't know what else will. By now many of us know how important a role hydrogen plays in our lives. Among other things it helps to reduce free radicals in our body and free radicals are known to cause aging and disease. And what is a good way to get more hydrogen? Drink more water, in particular, structured water because the hydrogen will be more available.

But, thanks to the alkaline water craze, people are realizing that not all water is the same and some water has a more balanced pH level then others. What does pH mean? Hydrogen potential. So if the pH is higher then there is a higher level of hydrogen potential. So it is great to have your water at a natural balance of 7.0-7.5 pH so that you are getting a good amount of hydrogen potential. But what is hydrogen?

What Is Hydrogen?

Well obviously hydrogen is a gas. But was is that? I'm going to get philosophical now because I'm just amazed by this statement that "Hydrogen atoms in water were born shortly after the Big Bang and then came everything else." To me this means that hydrogen is part of our prime creation. Before that it was energy and before that it was, well, I don't know, nothing ?

Maybe if I catch you up more on the nature of our Universe's creation by explaining what scientists have unraveled by studying the Big Bang you will get more of the picture I am seeing.

The Big Bang

The Universe began with the Big Bang around 12-14 billion years ago. But it didn't look like it does now when it first began. To start it went through a heat wave that makes our Sun look like the Moon. Then for 380,000 years it was all a milky soup of loose electrons that eventually cooled down enough to allow the electrons to slow down and stick to atoms. Then it began to mass produce atoms and finally create hydrogen. Then it created helium and lithium. Around this time clouds of hydrogen and helium gases began a 200 million year period of floating in space until finally these gases came together and ignited into stars. Over this period the Universe had begun to clear up and the one we see today slowly started to take shape.

One billion years after the Big Bang galaxies began to form. Over the next 8 billion years countless more galaxies took shape. Then about 5 billion years ago in a quiet region of one of these galaxies, gravity began to pull in dust and gas until it finally clumped together enough to give birth to our Sun. Our solar system, 9 billion years after the Big Bang, sprang to life and with it planet Earth.

What's also amazing is that it almost took a completely different direction. In the beginning there was a battle between matter and antimatter. When these two collide they obliterate each other. Well there was basically a billion units of antimatter and a billion and one units of matter and because of that one unit more, matter won and that's all it took to create the known Universe with it's countless galaxies of suns, planets, moons and so on.

I still haven't found the answers to the questions I have about what hydrogen or gas really is but the next time you drink a glass of structured water, think about the hydrogen you are about to digest and how this hydrogen was one of the first creations of our Universe. Maybe you will have an epiphany and you can share it in the comments down below.

For more information about Hydrogen in Wu Wei Structured Water and Structured Water Unit please go to our Structured Water home page.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 11139
The Spirit of Water

There are many ways these days to approach the description of non-ordinary reality or forces beyond the physical. It could be soul, spirit, mind, field, energy, higher self, divine energy or non-ordinary reality and forces beyond the physical just to name the most common ones I know of. Now many people in the science community believe that if you can't see it or quantify it, then it isn't real. To tell you the truth, I am completely open to this idea, but I'm also open to there being spirit.

Well, I certainly like to quantify things and just like the Dalai Lama, I follow certain philosophies that I am willing to adjust based on proven scientific reality, but I also believe that there is more than the eye or our scientific instruments have yet to see. I say yet because I wouldn't be surprised if one day we could find a way to measure spiritual experiences. There are actually some scientists like Mario Beauregard and Denyse O'Leary, two neuroscientists who wrote The Spiritual Brain, who claim to have proven that there are forces outside the brain that influence our experience. Or Bruce Lipton, a Cell Biologist, who has discovered that there is a force outside our cells that seems to be exchanging energy and information.

So what I would really like to ponder in this post is; if there is a spiritual aspect to the Universe, then what is the spirit of water all about? Here are some human like questions; Are there many spirits of water? Does every drop of water have a spirit? What is a water spirit like? Since we are mostly water are we in communion with the spirit of water? Does water even have it's own spirit? If water has a spirit, does it blend with ours or are we all one connected spirit on the spiritual level or is it separate, even on that level? If the spirit of water could speak to us, what would it say? Am I saying it right now? Either way, I would like to give thanks to the spirit of water. Thank you!

Thanks for reading this fun post about my curiosity of the spirit of water. If you feel like adding more questions or providing some answers, or any other kind of feedback, please feel free to do so in the comments below.

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Hits: 6235
10 Of My Favorite Things About Water

10 Of My Favorite Things About Water:

    1. Its wonderfully hydrating.
    2. It cleanses my body.
    3. It sparkles in the sunlight.
    4. It makes soothing sounds in nature.
    5. It comes from outer space.
    6. It smells amazing when it rains, especially in the desert.
    7. It makes animals happy.
    8. It's intelligent.
    9. It dances.
    10. Its fun to swim in.

And that's 10 things off of the top of my head that I love about water, especially when it is structured water. I'm sure I could go on but I will stop at 10 for now. Please feel free to share some of your favorite things about water in the comments below.

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Hits: 43549
The Matt Damon Water Cause

I would like to show appreciation for the Gary White and Matt Damon water cause and their organization, which they co-found. They have figured out a way to help many people in poverty stricken communities find better access to cleaner water. Many people around the world have to scavenge for water and quite often walk miles a day for water which might not even be clean. envisions a world where everyone in the world has clean water. Here are some water statistics from the Fast Company article, on Matt Damon's water cause, about the current water crisis:

    • Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water-related disease.
    • About 80% of sewage in developing countries is discharged untreated.
    • More people have cell phones than access to a decent toilet.
    • 3.6 million people die each year from water-related diseases.
    • Less than 1% of the world's fresh water is readily accessible for direct human use.
    • The average American uses 100 gallons of water per day; the average African uses 12 gallons per day.
    • Nearly 1 billion people lack access to safe water.
    • Millions of women and children spend several hours a day collecting water from distant, often polluted sources., which supports, raises money to drill for wells in these communities. Along with this they educate the people to maintain the wells and teach smarter solutions for the local communities to keep the water flowing in their area.

Along with raising money and developing water infrastructures, also provides reasonable loans to people in need of them to set up their access to water which they call Water Credits. It's a micro-finance tool that seems to be working well. It was essentially Gary White's idea and it has made him a big deal in the philanthropic world, earning him a Skoll Award in 2009 from Social Entrepreneurship. In the Fast Company article Matt Damon said, "WaterCredit is proof that risky ideas can work. It's a big idea done right, and it's working all over the place. That's when it gets exciting. supports the Gary White and Matt Damon Water Cause and their organization For every Structured Water Unit sold donates $10 to

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 11708
How Much Water To Drink

Are you wondering; how much water should I drink a day? Well there's actually not an easy answer to how much water to drink a day to stay hydrated. It really depends. Some common variants it depends on include things like:

    • How much you exercise.
    • How hot and humid or dry your climate is.
    • What altitude you live at.
    • If you have an illness of some sort.Your weight.
    • If you are pregnant.
    • If you are breastfeeding.
    • How much alcohol you drink.
    • How much caffeine you drink.

Because of all these variants it's hard to know for everyone how much water to drink. But there is a nifty water calculator at this site:

And here is some information published by the Mayo Clinic* that could be useful:

How much water do you need?

Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water.

So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.

What about the advice to drink eight glasses a day?

Everyone has heard the advice, "Drink eight once glasses of water a day." That's about 1.9 liters, which isn't that different from the Institute of Medicine recommendations. Although the "8 by 8" rule isn't supported by hard evidence, it remains popular because it's easy to remember. Just keep in mind that the rule should be reframed as: "Drink at least eight ounce glasses of fluid a day," because all fluids count toward the daily total.

One good measure to know if you are staying hydrated is to look at your urine. If it is colorless or a lighter yellow then your fluid intake is probably adequate.

Though is is generally uncommon, there is the possibility of drinking too much water. This is called hyponatremia and it's when your kidneys can't excrete excess water and the electrolyte content of the blood gets diluted so the amount of sodium in fluids outside cells drops. Water then moves into the cells to balance the levels. This causes the cells to swell with too much water. Although most cells can handle this swelling, brain cells cannot, because the skull bones confine them. Brain swelling causes most of the symptoms of hyponatremia. The people who are at highest risk are endurance athletes who dirnk large amounts of water.

A great way to stay hydrated is not only to drink the proper amount of water but to drink the best water for good hydration like Structured Water from a Structured Water Unit which is going to be easier for the body to absorb.

Hopefully this helped answer your question; how much water should I drink a day?


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Hits: 10248

Viktor Shauberger said that spring water is the beginning of carbohydrate formation in nature. It's essentially forming sugars that give the water sweetness. This is why natures water can be slightly oily and sweet. The oiliness supposedly has to do with this carbohydrate formation.

David Wolfe says, "that eventually in nature plants and animals will add chains to the water which are polysaccharides which becomes the primary membrane material of every cell." He also comments on Bruce Lipton's work with cell biology and how the intelligence of the cell isn't in the nucleus but in the membrane. That's where the intelligence is. So polysaccharides could be delivering intelligence to us from nature.

What are polysaccharides? It's a carbohydrate whose molecules consist of a number of sugar molecules bonded together.*

Polysaccharides are one of 8 essential sugars we need to help with immune system, joints, tissue repair and neurological health. It has a long chain sugar structure where as most of the other simple sugars which are also essential are short chained.

I found a great wiki answer** about polysaccharides which stated that:

"Polysaccharides are used in living things for structure and storage. In plants, cellulose give structure to the cell walls, as does chitin in fungi and peptidoglycan in bacteria. All these carbohydrates are polysaccharides. In animals, glycogen (branched glucose chains) is used as storage of energy and in plants starch performs the same job.
Polysaccharides are important to living things because a polysaccharide is just another way to store and hold glucose, which is the only thing that can provide energy to living organisms. It is just another very important alternative to store energy in living things."

Some foods that are known to have polysaccharides are Noni, Aloe Vera and Chaga Mushroom.



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Hits: 12624
How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

This is a simple explanation to the question; how does Reverse Osmosis work?

There are 5 parts to most under the sink reverse osmosis systems.

    1. Micron Filter Section (typically 5 micron) for larger sediment.
    2. First Carbon Filter Section for organics such as; chlorine, chloramine or other.
    3. Second Carbon Filter Section
    4. RO Membrane Section which has a tightly wound membrane (usually .0001 micron) and water is pressed through it and the "good" water goes to a side tank and "bad" water goes to a drain.
    5. When the spout is pressed on top of the sink, water is pulled from the "good" water tank through a 5th section which is the Polishing Filter Section which polishes off the water.

Pros and Cons to Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Systems:


    • RO thoroughly filters out physical contaminants
    • RO is usually pretty cost effective


    • RO typically takes 2 hours to fill a 1.5 gallon tank
    • When it fills a tank RO wastes 13.5 gallons of water (Or More)
    • The waste is far greater
    • You have to replace parts over time
    • RO systems do not produce structured water

While RO systems do a thorough job of filtering water they also waste a lot of water.

Exactly how much water does reverse osmosis waste?

Well the 13.5 gallons of water per tank is actually the only amount if the tank is empty. But the less empty the tank is the more water it wastes due to the way RO works to fill the tank. So if you are only taking a little bit of water at a time from the spout then it is wasting a whole lot more. In some instances it could waste as much as 1.5 gallons for 1 glass of water!

So if you have an RO system it is best to draw as much water as possible at a time to conserve water. This video link about How Much Water Does An RO (Reverse Osmosis) System Waste explains this in detail:

With our growing global drinking water shortage problem, that is something to really consider.

Hopefully this post helped address the question; how does reverse osmosis work? But if you would like to know about other water filter problems to consider check out this Water Filter Problems article.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 22855

I'm pleased to see more and more scientists and authors coming out of the woodwork to support the molecular structure of water concept and the benefits of drinking structured water.

"In his groundbreaking book Water of Life; A Cure for your body, Professor Hyun W Kim states that one of the characteristics of good water is water with plenty of hexagonal shaped clusters, structures that are small, close and compact.

The molecular structure of water is very important to ensure optimum hydration of the body. In most tap waters or for that matter bottled waters the water molecules tend to agglomerate in clusters of between 10 and 20. The larger the cluster size the lower the electron activity. Consequently it is desirable to drink water with smaller cluster sizes to enhance the body's energy systems. Secondly large clusters of molecules cannot readily permeate the body's cell membranes and so cannot hydrate the cells. Good water for the body should have no more than 5 to 6 molecules in a cluster. This type of water will give good cell hydration and provide more oxygen.

Professor Kim states ‘ …..drinking compactly-structured water (the kind with an abundance of hexagonal water) can be called a shortcut to prevent adult-onset diseases such as cancers or diabetes.'

Drinking water from a Structured Water Unit is good for the body as it provides the body with suitable structured water predominantly with 6 molecules per cluster. This aids proper hydration of the body and better oxygenation."


Please feel free to leave any comments about your experience of structured water or you thoughts on the molecular structure of water. It's a wonderful thing when water beings can join together in a dialogue about water.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 45002

Our most fascinating endorsement yet! We were informed that a man named Will Berlinghof in Calgary channeled information from a source called Cosmic Awareness on March 8th about our Structured Water Units and gave it a resounding endorsement. We were unaware of this organization until they recently purchased our product and sent us this information.

Here is what was channeled:

Question: There is a structured water unit offered for sale on the internet.  It refers to truly amazing technology that uses an advanced understanding of vortex sciences utilizing the dynamic characteristic of water and geometric structures that allow the water to work up on itself at the the molecular level to create naturally balanced water.  Water is the machine, no moving parts or chemicals, totally pure just like water running down a beautiful river.  A list of the benefits to humanity is included.  I'll just hold up what it looks like and point to it if this is available to you?

This Awareness can see not the picture but the energy around this device.  That It is able to connect and "see".

Questioner: Thank you.Do you have comments concerning the validity of this unit please?

First of all this Awareness sees this as the new technologies of the times ahead where one is living in harmony once again, in balance once again with Mother Earth, with Gaia, and through such devices is able to purify and cleanse the waters, energetically balancing them as well without adding the toxic chemicals that are now used to clean the water. That this Awareness endorses this product and says it is one that will help keep clean and clear and energize the water.

Questioner: Wonderful! Thank you for that information.

It is not that everyone will immediately jump for it but this Awareness does indicate that these devices, these new world devices, are ready to come out more and more, including free energy devices, including energy devices that clear the air in one's home and bring strong powerful balanced air into one's living space.  Many other such devices are ready to come forward.  This is one that has already stepped into consciousness in the manner of being made available now.  This Awareness would say that it is an excellent device indeed for those who are concerned with the quality of their drinking water and the water generally which they use also to clean fruits and vegetables, to bathe or shower in or to use in whatever way is right and needed by them.  The individual is free to make their choice, this Awareness can only state that It sees this as a very valid product and It does indeed endorse it.

For more info about CAC visit their site:

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Hits: 6492

Every year on January 6th the Orthodox Church has a ceremony called the Great Blessing of the Waters. Prayers are said over a large bowl of water, the Holy Spirit called upon and a cross is submerged in it. It is a symbolic celebration of Christ’s baptism.

The role of baptism in Christianity is seen as a ritual cleansing of sins. There is no question that living water is very cleansing both to drink and bathe in. The blessing ceremony is done outside most of the time. One church on the island of Patmos does their ceremony at the harbor, surrounded by 30 or more fishing boats. Once the abbot puts the cross in the water, all the boats sound horns and young men and boys swim in a race to be the first to get the cross and return it to the abbot.

The church believes that through baptism we are renewed, born again, and purified, sending positive energy into the cosmos for all its believers to be uplifted by. (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)

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Hits: 12426

Known as undying shape-shifters who live in the water, the Rusalki are mythical Russian creatures, representing feminine importance and divinity. Water itself takes on the form of whatever contains it, and gives life.

It can also take life by drowning. In this way, the Rusalki protects its feminine youth. They were known in stories to lure men into the water with their beauty only to drown them. It is in this way that Russian Folklore was trying to protect its young women from dishonor by men. They can also appear as swans or ducks or other waterfowl.

Many Russian villages would have a ceremony around the time of Pentecost (a Jewish harvest celebration) in which they would offer their crops put together in the shape of a woman’s body into the river as a sacrifice in order to continue productive farming. The women would take turns for about a week to sing songs to evoke consistent rains for the year.

The main point of these stories is to drive home the point of life’s cycle, birth and death, of which water has always been a part. (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)

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Hits: 30742

The Tlingit Tribe in Alaska has many myths, one in particular about the origins of freshwater and how the Raven got its black color:

In the long time ago, when animals could speak and people had not yet been created, Raven ruled the world. Back then Raven was as white as snow. He was not black like he is now. One day Raven saw a stranger standing on the shore while he was flying along the sea. He landed and spoke to him. “Who are you” he asked. “I have never seen you before.” “I am Ganook,” replied the stranger. “Where did you come from?” asked the Raven. “I have always been here, without beginning or end,” said Ganook. Thereafter, Ganook invited his white feathered brother to join him at his great house for a feast. Inside the house was a large stone box with a lid upon which Ganook slept at night. Inside was the only fresh water in the world. Ganook shared some with Raven, and the greedy bird could not get enough of it because it tasted so good. He was used to drinking only sea water. After the feast, Raven began to tell stories of his adventures. He told many tales, and soon Ganook fell asleep on the stone box lid. The deceitful Raven, ever the trickster, thought quickly and decided to steal some of the fresh water. He tricked Ganook by placing excrement beneath him and then awoke him saying how he had messed himself. “Just look at yourself!” Raven exclaimed, laughing. Ganook rushed out into the sea to bathe, and while he was away Raven quickly removed the heavy lid and drank some of the sweet water. But before he could escape, Ganook returned and saw what Raven was doing. He was angry that he had been so easily deceived. He grabbed Raven by the neck and began roasting him over a fire. The smoke turned Raven black. Finally, Ganook released Raven, who flew away with some water still in his beak. As he flew, water dripping from his beak fell on the ground, forming the first rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds.

(Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)

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Hits: 16340

In the Qur’an, it is written that God sends the rain. This correlates with their belief that God sends down stories that all Creation came from water. Water is their sign that creation is a miracle.

The point is made in the Qur’an that no matter how big one’s ship, the ocean is always stronger, bigger, and able to destroy. The Islam believers therefore pray to God to deliver them safely to their destination. In their description of paradise, rivers flow into gardens, since all life, including water, returns to God. The water seems to have its own spirit that propels it to continuously move in oceans and rivers.

The Islam people also believed bathing to be sacred in that they were using part of God’s creation to be clean again. The Qur’an sees clouds as “…a two-fold sign: their passage across the vault of the heavens is a sign of the ephemerality and impermanence of life on this earth, and as a result, clouds are not merely a sign of water’s metamorphosis into vapor, but are in themselves the ‘upper water’ in visible form. In the form of clouds water shows its yearning for spiritual states and ascents.”

Islamic thoughts see water as a symbol of God’s oneness…it is colorless, without form, taste or smell, yet produces in plant life all those things. It is the life of everything, and they believe God’s throne is upon the waters. (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)

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Hits: 8509

Zen Master Dogen taught: “What different types of beings see is different. We should reflect on this. Is it that there are various ways of seeing a single object? Or is it that we have mistaken a variety of images for a single object? We should examine this question in detail, concentrate every effort on understanding it, and then concentrate even more. Given this multitude of perspectives, it follows that training on the way of practice and verification cannot be of one or two kinds, and the realm of ultimate reality must also have a thousand types and ten thousand kinds.”

So there are many ways in which to view water. Water can help or destroy depending on how much of it is being used. The balance of water’s use is an important idea here, and to remember the circumstances of water’s uses and perspectives are ever-changing.

Zen Master Dogen continues: “However, the various waters, which accord with the kinds of beings that see water, do not depend on mind, do not depend on body, do not arise from karma, are not self-reliant, and are not reliant upon others. Water, being dependent on water, is liberated.”

If one can move beyond all the perspectives of water, it can be truly seen for what it is and connect everything in our world. (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)

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Hits: 5401

The Jews saw water as a purification substance, but more often than not it was something to be feared. The flood in which only 8 people survived according to the book of Genesis, was God’s way of punishing the wicked and starting fresh with Noah and his wife, 3 sons and daughters-in-law along with one male and female of every animal in the Arc that God instructed Noah to build.

Later, when God is inflicting the 10 plagues upon Egypt, he has Moses turn the Nile River from water to blood. Also, the Exodus of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt back to their native land was accomplished by crossing the Red Sea while God parted it.

With the magnitude of power the Jews witnessed in these miraculous happenings, it is no surprise that water was seen as a fearful, powerful element. Still, water is used in the Old Testament as a means of salvation. Moses was saved from the Pharaoh’s decree to kill all Hebrew male babies when his mother made a basket of reeds and floated him down the Nile River in it. Later in Moses’ life, his people were indeed saved by passing through what must have been the terrifying walls of the parted Red Sea, and finally, while wandering in the desert with the Jews, God provided life-giving water from a rock that Moses struck with his staff.

It was also a tradition that Jewish translators would wash their hands and pray to God before doing their work to translate the Torah from Hebrew to Greek. Furthermore, the washing of another’s feet was seen as an act of service, to clean off all the dirt and whatever else collected during the days of walking with no shoes or only thin sandals. Water was ultimately symbolic of purification, removing all that is unholy, to the Jews. (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)

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Hits: 20611
The Bath of Venus

Ancient Greek society gave honor to the bath time ritual. They had stories of the female gods bathing, such as Artemis in the forest waters, Hera retrieving her virginity in a spring, and Aphrodite (Venus) enriched in cleansing waters. The Greeks had statues of Venus removing clothes, removing jewelry, and getting into or out of her bath.

Our bathing rituals could stem from the example of Venus, washing our hair, using a mirror to restore our appearance, and just soaking in the bathtub. The soaking was seen as a spiritual practice of removing oneself from the pressures of the hectic world and simply renewing one’s feeling of peace. We have adapted to this by paying for massages and spa treatments, pedicures and manicures, etc. It has the same outcome: a renewed peaceful outlook on life and the current problems we are facing.

“When you take a bath, you soak your soul as well as your body.” Even the sound of running water is a part of the healing. Using fragrant oils was to Venus like a healing for the skin and spirit, awakening all the senses. Disrobing was Venus’ way of moving past shame into appreciation for the beauty of the human form.

Many people remodel and redecorate their bathrooms, realizing that this is the place where their soul feels renewed. Can you remember a time when you took a bath and it calmed your fears or helped you through a rough day? We may have trouble thinking of a time when a bath didn’t do those things! (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)

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Hits: 12815
A Lesson for Confucius

The Chinese religion or philosophy Taoism (founded by Lao Tzu) dates back to 600 B.C. Tao literally means “the way”. It can refer to the way a person lives their life, and also the way of the Cosmos.

Taoists believe that the goal of life is to be true to oneself. Apparently there was a divide between Taoism and Confucianism, the former being for the individual with several symbols and meanings in life, while the latter was for society and rooted in the scholar’s thoughts. “Confusius’ ideal for man is the carved jade—the cultured person whose character is formed as a work of art; Lao Tzu’s ideal is the uncarved block—the natural man."

In a story by Chuang Tzu, a man who was considered the second greatest Tao teacher, Confucius learns from a humble man swimming in a river. It takes place on a nice day where one of Confucius’ students takes him and the other students to see a great waterfall with dangerous currents. They arrive to find a man tumbling under the massive waterfall. Confucius sends his students running to try and save the man from impending death. However, when they get to the shore the man is leaving the river in one piece. Confucius asked him how he did it without drowning:

“Well…I’ve never really thought about it. If I have to explain it, I’d say that when the currents throw me this way or that, I let them. If they pull me down, I dive with them. And I know that when I reach the bottom the current will shoot me up again. I wait for that moment, and when it happens I swim with it.” “So you work with the water and don’t just let it have its way with you?” “That’s correct, Master. Although the currents are very powerful, they’re sort of like a friend I’m familiar with, that I’ve gotten to know over many years. So I can sense what they’re going to do and I adjust to their movements.”

The lesson provided by Tzu’s story was meant to reflect that swimming against the current, whether in water or life’s decisions, can result in feeling overwhelmed and helpless. According to this tale, swimming with the current is accepting the natural order of the Cosmos and therefore a much easier, yet deeper outcome will result. (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No.

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Hits: 24839
India’s Ayurvedic Water Beliefs

The Vedic culture started out near the Saraswati River and grew to the Ganges River. The sage Kananda had the theory that there are nine substances in the universe: space, air, fire, water, earth, mind, soul, time and direction. From five of these were discovered the three constitutions. Vata is space and air, or movement. Pitta is fire and water, or metabolism. Kapha is earth and water, or stability. When in equilibrium, these three constitutions or doshas are able to perfectly balance each other:

Life depends on water’s constancy. The ability of water to absorb large amounts of energy buffers photosynthesis in cytoplasm and the transfer of oxygen in animal blood from chaotic flux; moderates the Earth’s climate by using oceans and lakes for heat storage; eases seasonal change and our bodies’ adaptation to it by slowing, without shocks, the change of weather; and protects plants like cacti from boiling under desert skies, Most of all, water’s specific heat, heat of vaporization and heat of fusion give life its ability to maintain in hard times. Without these molecular traits, climatic extremes would turn living creatures over to their Maker at unprecedented rates.

Most water found on Earth is too salty to drink. It's been suggested that we need 2.5 liters per day. Water is what keeps us all alive and makes up over 60% of our bodies. It lubricates every part of us to keep the balance between all three doshas. The Ayurvedic goal is to keep Vata, Pitta and Kapha equal in the body for ultimate health. (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)

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Hits: 49195
Surfing on the Water

It is unknown how long surfing has been around, but explorers to the Polynesian Islands observed natives doing it in the 1700’s. The art of surfing is a great way to discover the nature of water, as well as the enormous power it holds.

There are many dangers of surfing which include rip currents, very strong oceanic currents that carry everything in them further out to sea. A surfer must learn to respect this power and learn how to ride a wave without going against the current. Surfing, like all water sports, carries the inherent danger of drowning. Anyone at any age can learn to surf, but should have at least intermediate swimming skills.

Many surfers claim that once mastered, the art of surfing brings them to a place of feeling spiritually whole and complete. It is the act of being one with the water, swimming in it, riding the waves, and bowing out to catch the next one.

Even the rip tides are useful when surfers are going out further to catch the big waves. Some countries have tried to build man-made reefs to create bigger waves and attract surfing business; however, this usually does not work and the artificial reefs are removed. Nature has a way of creating the perfect underwater landscapes that no one can compete with. The result: a wonderful group of cresting waves perfect for the next surfer’s conquest.


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Hits: 10557
What is Hexagonal Water? - Revisited

We would now like to revisit this question: What is Hexagonal Water?

Hexagonal water is water that is structured. A phrase coined by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, “hexagonal water” was his way of describing the complete structure that takes on a hexagonal shape at the molecular level.

Scientists like Dr. Jhon are now finding that hexagonal water contains the components necessary for life, energy and positive cell growth. Looking at cancerous cells with nuclear magnetic resonance, one example being the MRI machine, the water within these cells is more chaotic in its movements than that of a healthy cell. A doctor by the name of Raymond Damadian made this discovery in the 1970’s and proposed that an MRI could potentially be used for cancer screening at the cellular level.

Today the MRI is in fact used to diagnose many different cancers in the body. Dr. Jhon has found in his studies that the thinner the line-width in the water molecule unit, the stronger the bond between it and other water molecules as well as higher cell function: “According to measurements made by Dr. Jhon, hexagonally-structured water a half-line width between 60 and 70 Hz. Bulk water can measure between 85 and 150 Hz, depending on the quality of the water. Most tap water sources today measure 100 Hz or greater.”

It is suggested by Dr. Jhon that hexagonal water can be stabilized by using vortex motion, as discovered by Viktor Schauberger. All evidence seems to point to the possibility that hexagonal or structured water as it is referred to here is superior for absorption when compared to unstructured water, given the above studies. Here is another hexagonal water article that may further answer the question: What is Hexagonal Water?

Reference: "Hexagonal Water—The Ultimate Solution" by M.J. Pangman, M.S.

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Hits: 18568
Hexagonal Water for Aging

Since all life on Earth relies on hydration as its basis for sustenance, Dr. Jhon proposed the hypothesis in 1986 that the decline of hexagonal water in the body could be responsible for a decline in health. He called this the “Molecular Water Environment Theory." Another scientist, Dr. Seiji Katayama, found evidence to support this theory using MRI to study four generations of the same family. He was able to see that cell water quality and quantity was very closely related to the aging process.

Dr. Jhon is quoted as saying, “Replenishing the hexagonal water in our bodies can increase vitality.” Babies are developed living in water, and when they are born they are over 90% water. A one-year-old child is 70% water, and people who are in the old age category can be less than 50% water. This is a significant change in the body with obvious negative side effects.

Also, with age comes a more gradual progression of water movement and replacement in the body’s cells. Cell water levels can go down to as much as 40% and as a result, cell function greatly declines. This could be why older people have problems staying adequately hydrated.

Photos of live blood analysis have been published documenting that just minutes after drinking hexagonal water, blood cell structure improves by as much as 80%. This improves absorption of protein, water, nutrients and helps immune function. Perhaps the aging process could be improved by something as simple as drinking better quality structured water

Reference: "Hexagonal Water—The Ultimate Solution" by M.J. Pangman, M.S.

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Hits: 53553
Hexagonal Water Origins

Hexagonal water or structured water can be found in deep earth springs, glacial waters, and a very special location in Japan called Magnetic Mountain: “…the entire mountain has been permanently magnetized. The mountain itself is the result of an underwater volcanic eruption which occurred millions of years ago at about the same time that a meteorite shower deposited magnetite within the mountain.”

This water is extremely magnetic and has been studied by many scientists with positive results towards human health. Another source of hexagonal water is simply water that is allowed to move. Still water breeds disease, but living water cleans itself using vortex-like movements.

Minerals also support living water. There can be many different degrees of quality when using a Structured Water Unit depending on the design. This water lasts the longest in a cool environment away from EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) and direct sunlight. People have used hexagonal water concentrates, vortex machines, in-line devices, ionizers and filters prior to structuring to improve their water quality. However the water is structured, it is clear from many studies presented on this website and elsewhere that all life forms can benefit from hexagonal water consumption.

Reference: "Hexagonal Water—The Ultimate Solution" by M.J. Pangman, M.S.

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Hits: 11311
This World’s Water

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon refers to water as one of the science community’s puzzles because it has not yet been fully understood by us. However, being a pioneer in this effort, Dr. Jhon has done over 40 years of research and publishing almost 300 scientific papers on the subject of water.

Dr. Jhon points out in his book on hexagonal water, or structured water, that the Earth and its surrounding field hold between 1.3 to 1.4 billion km³. That is 146 ten thousand trillion tons of water! Only 0.65 percent of this is available for us to use.

The amount of water we have stays the same, continually being recycled through the process of evaporation and rain or snow. Water is also cycled through the living organisms on Earth, from humans to animals to plants to microscopic organisms!

Water keeps us alive and healthy. When a life form becomes dehydrated, its health can weaken and with continued dehydration may eventually die. The balance water delivers to our bodies is amazing: it gives nutrients and oxygen while removing toxins. Without water, we wouldn’t last long!

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 11844
Water in Our Cells

About 90% of our blood is water and 75% of our muscle tissue is water. On the cellular level, 60% of water is inside the cell and 40% is surrounding the cell.

Even without microscopes, ancient philosophers recognized that water is essential to life. Moving water has more oxygen, energy and cleansing powers. It also has more structure to it, making it more absorbable by life forms on the cellular level.

Dr. Jhon calls this advanced structured water “hexagonal” water because of the 6-sided shape of structured water. Without being in smaller clusters when taking on the hexagonal shape, water clusters are bigger and much harder for an organism to absorb it easily.

In addition, structured water is capable of cleaning itself of not only toxins but of the negative energy left by the memory of those toxins. So it looks like drinking hexagonal water makes for one happy cell! That means better health, energy and vitality for every living being this life-giving water comes in contact with.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 8184
Water in the Past

Dr. Jhon states that “Historically, only those civilizations that could control their supply of water were successful. Accordingly, all the major civilizations throughout history have begun around large rivers.”

The Mesopotamians started in-between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Chinese started on the Huang Ho River. The people of India started on the Ganges River. Finally, the Egyptians started on the Nile River.

Other cultures got their start by inventing wells, irrigation structures and rainfall containers. It is reported that the ancient Greek civilization had a term “hydrography” referring to their study of water. In the world of water today, there are many organizations dedicated to funding fresh, clean drinking water delivery to nations that are struggling.

Water has always been associated with wealth and success. The knowledge we now are starting to understand about structured water brings with it the hope that every nation can benefit from it. We can most likely never overestimate the power of clean water and what a special gift it could be to reach out to others who don’t have it!

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 28876
We Are Mostly Water

All of our functions depend on water to work properly. Digestion, vision, muscular movement, nervous system signals and blood function are just a few examples. The chemical makeup of human blood is very similar to that of the ocean. Dr. Jhon provides this statement to remind us of the theory that all life originated in the ocean.

Climates that are close to water are cooler in temperature because the water absorbs the sun’s heat. There is a parallel between humans and the earth as far as water composition goes: both are about 70% water. This seems to be nature’s message to us on just how important water is for our survival.

Dr. Jhon continues: “Truly, we know very little about the essence of our being. I consider my knowledge to be merely the tip of the iceberg but one thing I do know… Water is the source of our lives and it is directly connected with our health. Paying attention to the kind of water we drink can have a greater influence on our health than any other one thing!” It could benefit the planet greatly if not just water but hexagonal water was readily available to us all.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 9536
Water Properties: 5 Reasons Water Properties Are Different From Other Liquids

This post will explore water properties. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Dr. Jhon points out that if water would conform to the other liquids in its class that it would freeze at -90 degrees Celsius and boil at -60 degrees Celsius. According to this model, water could evaporate at room temperature and not much water would exist on our planet if that were the case.

Here Are 5 Reasons Water Properties Are Different From Other Liquids:

    1. Water's density is different. It expands as it freezes instead of contracting. That is why ice floats and fish are protected from being frozen in their habitat.
    2. Water has a “large heat capacity.” That is the reason we can be in a hot environment and still survive (as long as we are hydrated). Water is able to pull in heat without its own temperature fluctuating too much. In the desert, we experience extreme cold at night and extreme heat during the day. This is because there is very little water to balance the environment.
    3. Water’s viscosity or thickness is different than other liquids. Under pressure, water’s thickness lowers (at temperatures under 30 degrees Celsius) when other liquids would raise their thickness under pressure.
    4. Water has high surface tension, meaning that molecules of water are more highly attracted to each other than to foreign molecules. The only other substance with higher surface tension than water is mercury.
    5. Water has the ability to retain memory. It holds the energy of other things in its vicinity. Dr. Jhon notes that this fact alone could be studied for further knowledge in the healing profession. Dr. Jhon says that it is because of water’s “unique” structural ability that all these factors are made possible.

Thanks for checking out our post on water properties

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 17153

This post will explore some Hexagonal Water or Structured Water Factors, in particular water factors pertaining to water temperatures.

Specific heat is water’s ability to hold energy. Water’s structure changes as temperature goes up or down. The weight of the molecules in water also changes as the structure changes. This is how it can have more specific heat than before.

When water is in a super-cooled state, around -40 degrees Celsius, the specific heat grows rapidly. Super-cooled water is water that is below freezing, like drops of water in a cloud, but has not turned into ice or snow. It does freeze when it comes in contact with any surface.

Dr. Jhon states: “… the specific heat of Hexagonal Water is higher than that of pentagonal water. What this means is that Hexagonal Water has a greater capacity to perform work—to expel wastes, to absorb temperature changes and to protect against various other energetic influences.”

The high energy that structured water can contain can also be used right away by an organism when it is consumed. Water’s density also changes based on temperature. For this reason, ice is buoyant. It is less dense than liquid water so it rises to the surface. One example of this type of water factor in nature is the formation of icebergs in the ocean.

When pressure is applied to water, the chemical bonds break down and viscosity is decreased, allowing the water to flow more easily. All of these seemingly small water factors have a big impact on water.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 6952

This post will explore the topic of ions in water. Water dissolves minerals as it runs in a stream in nature. Therefore, water contains minerals while being clear in appearance. These minerals are called ions and they have a charge.

Some examples of ions in water are: Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride and Sulfide. The mineral composition of water will differ depending on the source or where it is found.

Civilizations that get their water from snow caps of mountains are usually drinking highly structured and ionized water because of the snow-freezing process that produces glacial ice.

Some types of ions make water structure stronger and other types weaken it. Strengthening ions include: Calcium, Lithium, Sodium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Silver and Nickel.

Ions that break down structure of water include: Magnesium, Potassium, Rubidium, Aluminum, Chloride, Bromide, Fluoride and Iodide.

How do we know if certain ions hold or break structure? The answer is found in the way they interact with the water molecule and the ions’ dimensions. Water forms hydration layers around ions.

Two other substances, Vitamin C and Germanium, also structure water. Distillation would remove both structuring and de-structuring minerals from water. So water maintains its best probable structure when ions are left in the water.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 11350

Ever wonder how to produce structured water or hexagonal water?

Lower temperatures are proven to be more supportive of structured water, as does the scenario where water can cling to “biological molecules”. Water can reach 100% structure when it is in the super-cool state (below freezing but still liquid).

Also, water with added minerals or ions becomes structured, given that structure-inducing ions are used and not structure-breaking ions.

Some technologies even use magnetic or electric (ionization) currents to structure water. Magnetic methods have a success rate of structuring 80% of the water. Electrolyzation works by placing water in an electric field which separates alkaline and acidic water. However, it is only effective for a certain period of time before the water returns to its previous state.

There are also water structuring devices that cause the water to twist clockwise and counter-clockwise, creating a vortex effect. This mimics nature’s babbling brook where the water cascades over rocks, twisting playfully and churning within itself over and over again.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 9380

This post will explore water and aging. The elderly population can have as little as 50% water in their bodies. Dr. Jhon states: “Water and aging are directly related and it has been shown that the water content of the body decreases with age, producing a visible wrinkling and withering effect. Keep in mind that the outward signs of aging are just an indicator of what is also happening on the inside of the body.”

The cells in the body become wrinkled as well, because they are not receiving enough water to function properly. Water movement, or “cell turnover”, also decreases with age. This means that each cell is not refreshing itself as often and toxins can accumulate more rapidly than normal. This also slows metabolism for the body.

As a side note, overweight individuals can have up to 20% less water than a normal weighted person and lower metabolism, suggesting that hexagonal water or structured water could benefit in this scenario. It has been measured scientifically that hexagonal water does increase water absorption on the cellular level. Hexagonal water has smaller clusters that are more easily distributed to each cell.

The elderly also experience a decline in thirst. This makes it especially hard for an older person to stay hydrated. MRI imaging has found that aging may be shown as a decrease in hexagonal water structure from the body’s organs and cells. Other studies have been done related to the topic of hexagonal water and aging.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 42677

Here are some reasons Hexagonal water is healthy water.

Hexagonal water or structured water is associated with health and vitality. Hexagonal water gives energy to the cell with its high level of “specific heat”. Specific heat is the measurement of water’s ability to give off energy or metabolize.

Without hexagonal or structured water, waste may not be properly eliminated. Build-up of waste can lead to disease in tissues and organs quickly. Every process in the cell creates waste and that waste needs to be removed efficiently.

Dr. Jhon shares his thoughts on this subject: “Since water has such a high energetic capacity, and since it has the ability to dissolve matter, it is the logical candidate for cleanup. When considering the differences between pentagonal and Hexagonal Water, Hexagonal Water is the preferred choice. It is energetically more powerful! Hexagonal Water improves cell water turnover and supports metabolic efficiency.”

While does not condone the use of animals for testing, in his book The Water Puzzle and Hexagonal Key, Dr. Jhon talks about an interesting study done several years ago. A man named Verhulst did an experiment where he fed one group of beagle dogs structured water and the other group un-structured water. The age of the first group averaged 13 years while the second group averaged a mere 7 years. Dr. Jhon notes that this experiment supports the belief that structured water is beneficial to health, longevity and vitality!

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 15397

This post will explore the topic of water and calcium. We humans lose water as we age. In the same way, we also lose Calcium. There are many Calcium supplements on the market today because of this losing process.

Calcium is an ion that increases structure, and when it is in water, it builds up that hexagonal structure. Pentagonal-structured water is of lower quality, and hexagonal-structured water is very high quality water. Since the body has trouble absorbing minerals like Calcium when the water becomes unstructured, the result is loss of Calcium.

Dr. Jhon’s theory supports the idea that the aging process may slow down by consuming hexagonal water. Hexagonal water also is linked to healthy levels of amino acids, which are “structure-making substances”. The function of the cell could decline without healthy amino acids. With enough Calcium loss, we begin to see osteoporosis. This affects our older generations and it is more common with women.

Dr. Jhon gives his opinion here: “For those with osteoporosis, Calcium supplementation often merely results in an increase of Calcium discharged from the body—like pouring water into a container with no bottom. According to the molecular water environment theory, it is necessary to consume Hexagonal Water along with Calcium so that it can be used more efficiently at the cellular level.”

Dr. Jhon is saying that structured water simply makes it possible for us to more easily absorb the vitamins and minerals which we use for biological function. Hopefully this post has provided a clearer connection between water and calcium.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 14287

It is important to do all we can to stay healthy in a preventive way. Not only could it save us money in the long run, but healthy people tend to feel better.

It is possible that both structured and unstructured water exist in our bodies at the same time. The ratio between the two is just different depending on the person. Dr. Jhon calls hexagonal water a “key to health” and mentions that stress can change hexagonal water into pentagonal water, which is not optimal for the body.

Dr. Jhon worked with Dr. Choi on a study of the effects of hexagonal water consumption. The results were very positive. They selected eight subjects who had chronic constipation and gave them alkaline ionized water for four weeks. They gave the same water to 34 subjects without constipation and used x-ray technology to verify digestive movements. After four weeks, 6 of the original 8 had improved in their digestion and transition time between drinking water rose 40-60%. The other 34 subjects showed no change.

A healthy digestive system definitely helps the rest of the body too, since it is the digestive system’s job to eliminate waste from the body. The effects of this could create a positive outcome of the overall immune system itself.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 6417

In Japan, hexagonal structured water is used to reduce “abnormal fermentation” in the digestive tract which would cause constipation or diarrhea. This promoted usage was announced in the 1970’s by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

It is well-known that a malfunctioning digestive system can lead to much bigger health problems. The fermentation process is the key in this issue. Microorganisms in digestion help us absorb nutrients and detox the body, and sometimes certain foods they are breaking down becomes fermented, killing good bacteria and allowing bad bacteria and yeast to grow.

Drinking good quality water may help the entire body’s functions including the digestive system. Dr. Jhon cites “Japanese experts” when listing four qualifications for drinking water: it must have no “harmful substances”, must not be boiled for extended periods, should have a balance of essential minerals, and alkaline ionized water is better than neutral or distilled water.

Dr. Jhon adds that water can also be polluted with memory and vibrations. This is why drinking hexagonal or structured water, which erases water’s memory, could be so beneficial.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 37904

This post will explore the biology of structured water. Why is hexagonal or structured water so special? Dr. Jhon explains: “Hexagonal Water—comprised of small molecular units or ring-shaped clusters—moves easily within the cellular matrix of the body, helping with nutrient absorption and waste removal. It aids metabolic processes, supports the immune system, contributes to lasting vitality and acts as a carrier or dissolved oxygen. It can provide alkaline minerals to the body and it helps in the more efficient removal of acidic wastes. Drinking Hexagonal Water takes us in the direction of greater health.”

There was an experiment done where snow water, the water with the highest known amount of hexagonal structure, was used to sprout wheat. The enzymes that are activated during sprouting were significantly more efficient with snow water than with any other water used.

Dr. Jhon notes that water’s structure is ultimately more significant than the source it is retrieved from. Of course, one would try to choose the best source possible, but structured water does clean itself. In a final thought, Dr. Jhon talks about theory vs. fact: “For a long time this information has been theory however, clinical research has begun to substantiate the theory and vast numbers of individuals are benefiting from the use of Hexagonal Water, today.” What would the world be like if we could all have access to structured water?

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 17119

Hello Water Lovers,

We here at wanted to take a moment and thank all of our readers and customers for checking us out and trying out our products. We hope you have enjoyed structured water and all the research we have shared with you as much as we have enjoyed sharing it with you.

Our mission has never changed: help get structured water to the world. We want to do that either by selling our products or by informing you of other ways to create structured water for you, your family, pets, friends, guests, plants, pipes and loved ones. This is one of the reasons we are continuing to compile one of the most comprehensive water websites on the internet. It is full of wonderful articles and blog posts so that water lovers like you can learn about the importance of structured water and hopefully spread the news.

So we hope you keep coming back to read and learn more. We would appreciate it if you would link to our website or spread our web address or articles to your friends and families either by email, Facebook, Google Plus or however you like. Just copy and paste the address from the address bar of your favorite articles or pages and link or send away. By doing that you are helping us to complete our mission of getting structured water to the world.

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Hits: 9086

This post explores some concepts around water in nature. The colder water gets, the more structured it becomes because the number of hydrogen bonds rises. As water freezes it expands by 9% for the molecules to fit into place in its full crystalline structure.

The density and energy of water is at its height when the temperature is at 39.2ºF. Pangman and Evans write: “If we provide the circumstances that increase water’s structure—without freezing—water’s life force is maximized. Keeping water cool contributes to its structural organization as well as to its capacity to hold nutrients and store energy.”

This is yet another reason why water in nature works so well. Streams usually come from melted snow from the mountains. This water, just above freezing temperatures, is able to structure itself and hold minerals as it moves along. It has been said that there could be many health advantages to drinking snow water directly from the mountains for these benefits alone, besides being mostly unpolluted and pure. We can’t all live in the mountains, but we can keep our water cold with technology and structured with water-structuring products

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 8987

This post explores concepts around the polarity of water. In polarity, opposite forces are continually coming together and separating again, creating new life cycles. Polarity is everywhere in nature, a part of life. Male and female types of energy give and take in a Yin and Yang fashion in a constant cycle.

There is usually a little more female energy than male energy. In the chemical composition of the water molecule, Hydrogen is feminine because it is giving electrons. Oxygen is masculine because it takes those electrons. Since there are two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, the male to female ratio is 1:2.

The side of the oxygen molecule where the two hydrogen atoms are attached is the positive charge and the opposite side is the negative charge. That is the reason the water molecule is considered polarized. Water molecules come together by the negative side (oxygen) seeking out more positive charges (hydrogen). When six molecules come together, it forms a hexagonal shape. This is when water is at its best structure and quality, and why it's useful to know a little bit about the polarity of water.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 8031

Positive and negative forces, or polarity, create the cycle of life. Water is a part of that cycle. Without the cycle of renewal that water goes through daily, it would contain no life-giving properties.

Water displays feminine qualities while being consumed, giving nourishment. When it is being recycled and cleaned, it displays masculine qualities because it is taking in minerals rather than giving them.

Every time water is renewed, it has the potential to become different than it was before. Each cycle is a new experience, separate from the last. It is interesting to note that water’s cycle itself also balances the masculine and feminine energies in its polarity.

The masculine occurs when the water is on the surface of the Earth and it is gaining energy from the sun. The feminine energy occurs when the water is underground being nurtured in the cool, dark atmosphere of the earth. Unless these two polar opposites come together, the cycle is not fully complete. Like all life on the earth, one part cannot continue without the other. The male and female energies or organisms cooperate together to form one successful life cycle.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 12603

This post explores the concept of maturing water and possible origins of hard water. Water has been around since the Earth was born. It cleans itself in order to keep thriving for all life to benefit from. In the listed reference, Pangman & Evans suggest that water might even be created deep within the Earth:

"Hydrogen is abundant at the core of the Earth which is like the hot Sun. Hydrogen is released as rocks interact with microbes and as they decompose in the heat. Oxygen is available inside the Earth too—from mineral decomposition and from the surface as the Earth breathes through vents."

From this mixture, steam and water are formed. Deep within caves water seems to seep in from below as underground rivers and lakes are formed, and it eventually rises up through natural springs as freshwater. The water rises from the Earth’s core because it seeks a cooler environment and because it is hydrogen-rich, making it lighter and easily elevated.

Hard water may occur in our homes when immature water is pumped from the ground before it completes its cycle. The energy of the water reacts with minerals differently before it is mature, which is why homes with hard water show mineral deposits in and around their water facilities. Structuring the water allows it to regain its appropriate state and be more efficient.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 7434

There is a bigger water cycle than our global example; it is universal as well. There is evidence of water in space. Meteorites can be up to 20% ice, and comets are largely composed of ice.

There are also vaporous clouds in space. As millions of meteorites hit Earth’s surface, they usually disintegrate upon entry, leaving just water mist to enter our atmosphere.

The Sun evaporates our water, and so there is a unique exchange between the Universe and the Earth. As long as water is given time to complete the natural cycle, it gives life and vitality. It is living water, structured and complete.

If water is taken before it has completed its cycle, it is considered lifeless water. Some cities recycle water directly after it has been used. This water does not contain the structure and life-giving qualities of naturally occurring mature water.

Pollution and negative energy or thoughts can also taint the unstructured water. The miracle of structuring one’s water is that it can renew the ability all water has to clean itself if it is just given the proper movement and stable environment to thrive in.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 7453

Nature is full of electricity. Electricity in nature is referred to as “piezoelectricity” and is very subtle. Pressure creates polarization in organic matter and this creates electricity.

Since water is a liquid crystal, it can conduct electricity quite efficiently. Pangman & Evans share their formula for Full-Spectrum Living Water: “Ion-rich water + organizing energy + spiral movement + natural light & sound = Full-Spectrum, Living Water”.

When water passes through the cell wall, this type of energy is produced. That means it gives us some of the energy we need to function. Without the potential for this energy however, water cannot be readily absorbed.

Structured water keeps the water molecules small enough to be absorbed at this point. Some people like to use crystals to structure their water because they contain a lot of piezoelectric energy. The world is full of quartz and therefore gets most of its piezoelectric energy from this plentiful source.

Nature's electricity or piezoelectric energy also affects our weather. The atmospheric pressure created by the Sun creates this energy in the air currents along with evaporation. Lightning creates our supply of electrons, which change from negative to positive when they encounter the Sun’s rays. They spin in a different way when this happens, and this process is called the “global electrical circuit”.

Nature is so fascinating!

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 9061

This post will explore the effects of modern electricity on water. The AC (alternating current) we use today is man-made electricity. Along with radios, microwaves, cell phones, power lines, satellite and radar, these types of electricity can pollute natural energetic fields of both water, our ability to absorb water, and biological living organisms.

Using a voltmeter, scientists have measured the effect of electrical devices on humans. Even from several feet away there is still contact between energy fields. A microwave will “…reverse the polarity of the water molecule 2.5 billion times a second.” The result is dead water.

What can be done to help remedy the effects of modern electricity on water? Virtually every house has electricity wired through its walls or is near power lines in addition to all our electrical gadgets. There are several products on today’s market which claim to lower the harmful frequencies we are experiencing. Keeping our drinking water as far away as possible from electric fields is one of the most helpful things we can do. We can can also choose to structure our water. If the water is structured, it should contain its hydrating and energizing benefits for optimal well-being.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 8428

This post will explore possible controversies with alkaline ionized water or electric ionized water.

Direct Current (DC) is used by electrolysis. Some people use electrolysis to structure their water, although it is a temporary solution. Pangman and Evans have found studies in Japanese science stating “…the quality of alkaline ionized water deteriorates rapidly, regardless of preservation conditions."

Machines that ionize water separate the positive (alkaline) from the negative (acidic) charge so that only the alkaline water is consumed. Although it goes against the pattern of nature, some people have enjoyed using water ionizers. Pangman and Evan found studies that were done on rats showing that exclusively drinking imbalanced water, in this case alkaline ionized water, resulted in heart disease. The man who did most of the research was a cardiologist.

Structured water that is polarized, containing a balance of both positive and negative charges, is very beneficial. However, it is important to the individual to do what works best for themselves since everyone is different. Science is continually changing as more research is done, and it is not yet known how exclusive consumption of alkaline ionized water would affect humans.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 13336

Direct Current (DC) is used by electrolysis. Some people use electrolysis to structure their water, although it seems to only be a temporary solution in terms of structured water. In Japanese science, Pangman and Evans found that “…the quality of alkaline ionized water deteriorates rapidly, regardless of preservation conditions.”

Machines that ionize water separate the positive (alkaline) from the negative (acidic) charge so that only the alkaline water is consumed. Although it seems to go against the pattern of nature, some people have enjoyed using water ionizers. Science is continually changing as more research is done, and it is not yet known how exclusive consumption of alkaline ionized water would affect humans.

In their research, Pangman and Evans found that structured water that is polarized, containing a balance of both positive and negative charges, is very beneficial. However, it is important to the individual to do what works best for themselves since everyone is different.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 6182

This post will explore natural magnets and structured water. In their water research MJ Pangman and Malanie Evans found that some people use magnets to structure their water. As with other energies on Earth, there is a negative and positive side to a magnet.

The North and South Poles are magnetically charged. The North Pole is the feminine negative end and the South Pole is the male positive end. They create the slight pushing and pulling energy fields needed for currents and vortexes to exist.

Palladium, platinum, and volcanic rock is paramagnetic, meaning its magnetic field can influence biological organisms and water without actually attracting them to itself. Volcanic rock powder has been successfully used in growing plants. Paramagnetic rock will not only structure and vortex water when nearby, but it will also ionize many minerals in the water. If a paramagnetic source is put into a magnetic field the atoms will line up towards the location of the magnetic field and it becomes stronger.

Pangman and Evans also found that ancient pyramids and towers were built using paramagnetic rock, and speculate that they could be a sort of signal source for connecting us magnetically throughout the Universe. Finding show that magnetism has been used for many health benefits in addition to structuring water.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 23480

The magnetics of the North & South Poles are very fascinating. Marine life living near the South Pole flourishes according to Pangman & Evans:

"Today, invertebrates including sponges, sea spiders, starfish, and amphipods grow many times their usual size in Antarctic water. This feature, known as gigantism is a subject of intense scientific investigation. Antarctic invertebrates should not, in theory, grow well in Antarctic waters. Yet starfish can reach much larger sizes than similar starfish found in other waters. Sea spiders in the Antarctic reach more than 1.000 times the weight of most temperate water species. Amphipod crustaceans in the Antarctic Ocean are more than five times as long as the largest temperate species."

One speculation is that the magnetism in the South Pole helps these species flourish far beyond what they normally would in other oceans around the globe. The North and South Poles are almost twice as strong as the equator. Because the water is so cold and gets ionizing radiation from the Sun, vortexes are strong in these areas and therefore more nutrients are mixed up from the bottom of the ocean for consumption by marine life.

Earth’s magnetic field also acts as “the tuning fork for life” because it keeps us connected to the Earth. When we are "ungrounded", we can see more anxiety, sleep troubles, and disorientation. Astronauts have seen these symptoms after space missions. Pangman and Evans point out that water carries with it the energy to keep us grounded. It is useful to drink pure structured water to continue to do so.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 9441

This post explores the fascinating topic of light and oxygen in water - especially in structured water. Oxygen is essential to life on Earth. As oxygen travels throughout other atomic equations, it leaves behind free radicals called “oxygen radicals”. Oxygen radicals would be harmful if not balanced with polar opposite hydrogen. When stress in our environment causes us to have trouble absorbing hydrogen, oxygen radicals can take over.

Oxygen radicals are also beneficial in some ways according to Pangman & Evans:

"They play a unique role as signaling molecules. They participate in cellular communication and they regulate growth and gene expression. Oscillation between the production and the neutralization of oxygen radicals is a fundamental mechanism linked with immune function and with many regulatory processes. Oxygen radicals also generate a source of energy in biological organisms—light."

The light source these radicals create may even be part of our aura or energy field. After a water molecule breaks apart, oxygen radicals are formed. In structured water, oxygen radicals cause electrons left behind to be more energetic in their function, letting the water perform at its highest potential, full of light.

The light that can be seen in a picture of a structured water drop comes from this process. So if you want more light and oxygen in your water, consider structuring your water.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 17773

This post explores the topic of hydrogen in water. Hydrogen is the first element listed on the Table of Elements. It makes up 90% of the Universe and 10% of our bodies. A hydrogen atom does not weigh very much, so it would take a lot of hydrogen to fill up 10% of us!

There is less hydrogen in the air than oxygen. Hydrogen levels are only measuring at 1% today. It is thought that during Earth’s younger days that hydrogen levels could have been as high as 30%. Hydrogen supplies protons in addition to electrons. This supplies living organisms with the energy they need. When hydrogen moves into our cells we also get hydroelectricity.

Since hydrogen is depleted from the air, we get most of our supply through drinking water. Pangman & Evans further explain the process: “Hydrogen ions are made available as water dissociates. This happens naturally as water moves, and/or when water is subjected to gentle ionizing influences (the Sun and Earth’s magnetic and piezoelectric fields). Under these circumstances, tiny amounts of water dissociate releasing both oxygen radicals and hydrogen ions.”

Water is made up of such simple molecules, yet has the power inside it to propel life on the planet, carrying with it minerals, magnetic properties and productive energy.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 7867

Antioxidants negate oxidants (free radicals). Antioxidants are able to give electrons to the oxidants to change their chemical structure. Enzymes are great antioxidants, which we make naturally when our bodies are efficiently functioning. Enzymes protect vulnerable parts of the cell from harmful oxidants. Enzymes last a long time in order to do their job thousands of times.

It is important to remember that without oxidants and reductants (electron donors), antioxidants cannot do their job. This could be why many treatments using antioxidants fail. Hydrogen supplies a lot of reductants that will work with antioxidants. Hydrogen will convert oxygen radicals to water as shown in this outline excerpt from the reference: 

    1. Oxygen that is taken through the lungs produces an oxygen radical.
    2. The oxygen radical is reduced by atomic hydrogen and the positive hydrogen ion. This produces another reactive oxygen species (hydrogen peroxide).
    3. Hydrogen peroxide is further reduced by electrons supplied from the negative hydrogen ion, producing a hydroxyl radical and a hydroxide anion. 
    4. The hydroxyl radical is reduced by hydrogen, producing water.
    5. The hydroxide anion is reduced by hydrogen, also producing water.

The hydrogen ion, which is positive, can’t give electrons but it does negate them via electrical charge. It is also a proton which will cause the ion and oxidant to become stabilized. These complex chemical reactions all work together for proper water absorption in the body.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 20642

Minerals in water are much like most things; to be absorbed properly, they need to be balanced with other things. Minerals are alkaline and so they may need a certain level of acidity to be beneficial. This also seems to be true for mineral supplements and alkaline water.

One great solution is organic foods. Organic foods can naturally have the minerals and balancing acidic properties necessary for sufficient absorption. As babies grow into adults, stomach acidity declines. If the necessary acid can’t be gained from diet, supplemental hydrochloric acid is available.

Pangman & Evans expand on the molecular changes concerning minerals in water:

"Water in motion absorbs carbon dioxide and other gases from air. Carbon dioxide forms an organic acid in water known as carbonic acid. It combines with alkaline minerals to create organic mineral complexes that are easily absorbed. The soil also contains organic acids. These are introduced in healthy rivers and streams. In nature, all these organic acids balance alkaline minerals. The resulting water is slightly acidic yet it contains alkaline minerals in a usable, organic form. Nature’s healthy balance for water is slightly acidic—not alkaline."

Added minerals in water may therefore upset the delicate balance provided by nature. Structured water is wonderful for letting the body absorb the minerals naturally.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 7870

The vibration of hydrogen and its bonds is what our body reacts to when it is taking in hydrogen. Hydration and hydrogen come from the same root because they are directly related. Unstructured water does not contain the higher vibrations that structured water does.

The more efficiently we can hydrate ourselves, the more energy we will have for things like sports, busy family life and improving our immune functions. Once hydrogen has been replaced where the body suffered depletion, enzymes can do their job better. Drinking more hydrogen-rich water can be beneficial as it moves into the blood after just minutes of drinking it.

According to MJ Pangman and Melanie Evans, in 2008, an experiment in Japan saw that participants who drank hydrogen-rich water saw improvements after 8 weeks in their metabolism and blood sugar issues. With an over-abundance of free radicals like pollution, stress and electronic interference, replenishing our hydrogen is very important.

The structured water in nature seems to be a great solution because it already has the balance of acidity and alkaline minerals our bodies need. The good news is that even if people can't always have access to a clean source of water in nature they can still structure the water in their home with a Natural Action Structured Water Unit

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 10334

While researching water, MJ Pangman and Melanie Evans found that quartz is able to relay information to another source without physically contacting that source. This phenomenon is known as “epitaxy”. As far as minerals go, quartz is the most plentiful one we have on Earth. Quartz has been used to help water filtering devices in the past and is still used for that purpose.

Quartz works well with water because they are similar in their molecular structure. Quartz, although used in certain water filters, also does its job underground along with several other minerals. The structuring properties of the quartz help to renew and clean the water.

Because of the communicative properties of quartz, it is also used in many technologies such as radio, television, and lasers which help to control clocks, computers, and GPS systems. So quartz has a lot of structuring power and when pointed at a source of water, the crystal stone will begin to structure the water by gathering the surrounding energy and focusing it in one place.

According to Pangman and Evans, quartz not only structures water but programs it as well. Because the human body is made up of mostly water, quartz could also have an affect on our bodies and our energy field.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 29937

This post explores the topic of water memory. Water can hold information like a computer chip. Structured water can hold more memory because it is more efficient on a molecular level. A doctor named Jacques Benveniste conducted an experiment in which he diluted water containing allergens to the point that no more allergens existed in the water sample. However, upon giving the water sample to living cells, an allergic reaction was still seen.

There have since been other studies done to verify this published experiment. The water carried only the memory of the allergen and the effect was the same. Benveniste also noted in later experiments that vortexed or structured water held more memory than unstructured water. When a biological molecule is removed from its water source, it stops functioning. Only when structured water is added does the molecule repair itself. Unstructured water produces no results.

Pangman & Evans continue: “When water is structured, it not only has a greater capacity to store information (memory) but it also has the infrastructure to deliver the message with speed and accuracy. A growing body of scientific evidence confirms water’s role as an accumulator, transmitter, and transducer of energy patterns. New technology provides evidence of water’s capacity to store and amplify biologically significant information.”

It is thanks due to the scientific community and their ongoing research that we know more about water and water memory.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 12643

This post explores the topic of water turbulence. Turbulence causes water to be vortexed, increasing structure and capacity to hold new memory.

Many natural holistic products are made by diluting a concentrated substance and shaking it with each dilution so that the new water introduced gains the memory of the elixir. With its new memory, this water is ready to pass on its information to the receiving biological cell. Another thing that happens when water is shaken is that nanobubbles are formed. They are included in water’s structure and their “thin membrane” helps to keep the water’s memory intact and ready to send to cells.

With turbulence in water come vibrations: “Vibrational templates from sound, light, and subtle energy literally touch the surface of water, providing a template for the epitaxial transfer of information. Vibrations have the capacity to influence the structure of the entire volume of water just like any other solid template. Vibrational patterns (from sound, light, minerals, and even thoughts ) create structural patterns in water similar to the way sound frequencies produce structural patterns in sand. These patterns are specific and reproducible based on the frequencies used to create them…”

So there is a pattern or design in structured water as it carries information. Without turbulence as is seen in nature, water becomes dead and lifeless.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 17172

This post explores the topic of information in water. Water carries the information necessary for cells to function and for life on Earth to survive. This is the most powerful information because without it there would be no life.

Water’s vibrations continue to give us and the planet the attunement we need. As many scientists have stated, water is medicine. The health community is now starting to realize the true and complete healing powers of water.

Pangman and Evans point out how the process on a molecular level is very detailed: “Water molecules literally switch polarities over and over again as protons (hydrogen atoms without their electrons) are passed rapidly through the matrix of relatively static, hydrogen-bonded water molecules. This is called proton tunneling or jump conduction. Water is potentially capable of transferring vibratory information in this way with very little actual molecular movement. The only way this can happen is if water is in a liquid crystalline state. In this state, water has the ability to deliver frequencies for considerable distances at the speed of light.”

The power of information in structured water is tremendous. It has the ability to not only align the Earth but our bodies as well. As scientists in the past and present are finding out, the functionality and perfection of structured water is hard to beat.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 12478
Waves and Currents in Water

Waves and currents in water are part of a bigger energy rhythm of not only Earth but of the Universe. We see this pattern in seasons and migrations around the globe.

Waves keep life underwater in a feeding cycle and temperature regulation. There is a correlation between weather patterns and wave patterns. Air currents tend to move in a spiral pattern. Water and waves also move in a spiral pattern. Energy waves not only move through air and water, but in sound, solids and gases also.

Waves or cycles have the tendency to repeat themselves in a consistent pattern as Casey Adams states: “While many cycles obviously repeat during our range of observation, many cycles have only recently become evident, indicating that many of nature’s cycles are beyond our current observation range.”

Ocean waves give energy to storms via atmospheric pressure and to the beaches they roll into with their tidal cycles. The waves we see in nature are just a small part of the universal wave cycle of energy: “These rhythms translate to electromagnetic energy and kinetic energy, which translate into elements of speed, distance, and mass. Momentum, inertia, gravity, and other natural phenomena are thus examples of the cyclical activities that directly relate with nature’s wave rhythms.”

In this way everything in the Universe is energetically connected, including water.

Reference: “Pure Water” by Casey Adams, Ph.D.

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Hits: 6609

If we look at an ocean wave sideways, we can see that it spirals in on itself, rolling continuously until it hits an obstacle. This pattern of water spirals keeps occurring as the ocean’s currents continue to churn.

Water also spirals when it is being drained. Depending on which hemisphere the water is in, it may drain clockwise or counter-clockwise. The electromagnetic force variable is described here by Adams: “These waveform forces are precisely mirrored by the classic electromagnetic structure: As the electronic vector pulses forward in one plane, the magnetic vector pulses outward into another plane. This is expressed in nature by the formation of the spiral.” Since the Earth has north and south poles, water gets pulled to the left or right as it drains.

Hurricanes and tornadoes show us the spiral pattern on a much larger scale. Mankind was unaware of the spiral pattern of the hurricane until technology allowed us to fly and use radar to track storm shapes.

DNA, the pattern for life, is also a spiral form. By keeping in spiral form with the rhythm of nature, water increases its ability to carry information and function properly. Spiraling creates a cleansing vortex that allows water to structure itself, a very important process in nature. Without clean water, life on Earth would not last long.

Reference: “Pure Water” by Casey Adams, Ph.D.

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Hits: 9797

Tsunamis are large seismic waves caused by underwater earthquakes. These occur largely in the region of the Pacific Ocean because the tectonic plates around the Pacific all push inward, while the plates inside the Pacific push outward. Many scientists are puzzled as to what the source of energy behind earthquakes and tsunamis is. Adams suggests one option: “Here the solution to this mystery is provided by an understanding of the earth as a living organism. This is because living organisms produce biological mechanisms resulting in heat, movement, circulation, digestion, and so on. Earthquakes account for only a fraction—some say about 10% —of the total energy expended by the earth.” Tectonic plate shifts are also associated with volcanoes which further suggest a living, pulsing earth. Scientists have noted that the lunar cycle could have an effect on earthquake patterns, in particular eclipses. Egyptians, Vedic cultures and Ancient Greeks recorded their studies on the new moon eclipses correlating with earthquakes. It is most likely a phenomenon related to the magnetic field of the Earth and moon working together. The cycles of Earth and its water therefore involve much more than just inside our atmosphere. There are universal properties and energies at work in this global cycle of life.

Reference: “Pure Water” by Casey Adams, Ph.D.

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Hits: 7521

As our bodies become dehydrated, the first things to be affected are mucous membranes, joints, and skin. This is the body’s way of protecting the vital organs. As these areas weaken, we are vulnerable to many problems. Even just 2% dehydration has been found to depress the nervous system. Humans are having trouble staying hydrated because we are drinking unstructured water, which has bigger molecules that the cell cannot absorb properly.

Without hydration the body just cannot function properly and begins to fail quickly. Here is a list of ailments linked to dehydration provided by Adams: “allergies, asthma, colitis, headaches, candidiasis, liver disease, stress, hypertension, COPD, heart disease, varicose veins, stroke, infertility, panic attacks, gastritis, rheumatism, cirrhosis, glaucoma, arthritis, chronic fatigue, Crohn’s disease, angina, hiatal hernia, neck pain, multiple sclerosis, high cholesterol, peptic ulcer, insomnia, GERD, Alzheimer’s, scleroderma, indigestion, cystitis, eczema, PAD, polyps, diabetes, kidney disease, irritable bowel, claudication, gout, depression, PMS, atherosclerosis, obesity, cystic fibrosis, muscle cramps, Parkinson’s, anxiety, constipation, UTI, schizophrenia, neuropathy, and ear infections.” This is no short list; hydration with the right type of water is extremely important. Around age 21, thirst sensation starts to decline. That is why drinking water becomes even more important when we become adults.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 10654

According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, water should be ingested 30 minutes before meals, anytime thirst arises, two and a half hours after meals, first thing in the morning, before exercise, and extra water for those who suffer from constipation and/or do not eat fruits or vegetables. If that sounds like too much, consider these few facts Dr. Batmanghelidj reminds us of: “Every twenty-four hours the body recycles the equivalent of forty thousand glasses of water to maintain its normal physiological functions. It does this every day of its life. Within this pattern of water metabolism and its recycling process, and depending on environmental conditions, the body becomes short of about six to ten glasses of water each day. This deficit has to be supplied to the body every day.” The body needs half its weight in ounces every day to be able to complete its minimum functions.

So many of the patients of Dr. Batmanghelidj who took his advice have improved their lives and health greatly doing just a few simple things like drinking more water.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 21326

In adulthood the body is no longer centered on growing and dividing cells. The hydration requirement levels are able to reach a stable number. The body’s job now is simply to regulate the water that is coming in. This doesn’t mean drinking less water; it means keeping the water levels where they need to be. The thirst signal starts to diminish in adulthood. This is because the body learns to ration water in dehydration mode and there is no need for the thirst mechanism. Rationing water during hydration is obviously not the goal of our water cycle. It is a survival trait of the body’s functions.

The body recognizes that some functions are more important than others and cells then receive water on a “need” basis only. When cells do not need the water, blood vessels leading to them are shut down and circulated to other more important cells. Between ages 18-25 the body starts its thirst sensation reduction. Dr. Batmanghelidj elaborates: “Unfortunately, our thirst sensation, as it is understood today—a dry mouth—is not an accurate indicator of the body’s actual water needs. If we don’t feel thirsty, we tend not to drink water. We wait to become thirsty before we even begin to think of drinking water.” To sum it up, the body needs more than it asks for. Drinking water before thirst sets in is important.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 23244

When we need water, sometimes we don’t feel thirsty. The thirst sensation may come about in other forms and feelings. Dr. Batmanghelidj has listed the most common feelings in his book. The first feeling is tired. Water is our energy supply. It breaks food down and delivers it to our cells, and also powers cell function on many levels.

Another feeling is flushed. The brain dilates the blood vessels to try and get more water wherever it can. Alcoholics usually have a flushed face because their brain is dehydrated. A dehydrated brain will also lead to hangovers.

Irritability is another feeling dehydration can cause. This is the brain’s way of shutting down from socialization, which takes precious energy to continue doing during dehydration.

The next feeling is anxiety. This is the brain’s way of being on alert mode, trying to get the body to feel that it needs water.

Sometimes dehydration causes feelings of inadequacy. It is the inability to distribute amino acids, without which a person can feel incomplete. Water is needed to distribute the amino acids. Once again, it is the brain’s way of trying to get our attention that something is missing.

These are just a few of the feelings that thirst can bring on; there are many more. If a person is feeling any of these, they may just not be getting enough water.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 17969

In our bodies exists acid and alkaline properties. These two properties must be balanced to maintain health. When the body is too acidic, nerve endings become inflamed. That is where chronic pain comes from. In fact, one can examine their urine to see if it is acidic or alkaline. The darker the urine is, the more acidic the body is. Water is needed to clear the over-abundance of acidity from our cells. The level of alkalinity we need is pH 7.4. Water helps us stay at that number by regulating cell function and renewing all of our cells’ water supply. The pH scale goes from 1 to 14. 1-7 is acidic and 7-14 is alkaline. The pH of 7.4 is just a little more on the alkaline side. Dr. Batmanghelidj adds: “Thus, pH 7.4 of the interior of the cell denotes its natural, slightly alkaline state. This state promotes health because it is the state that best suits the enzymes that function inside the cell: They achieve optimum efficiency at this pH. Adequate flow of water in and out of the cell keeps the cell interior in its health-maintaining, alkaline state.” In order to keep the acidity down in our bodies, we must continue to stay hydrated.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 12896

Anything that is added to water changes its chemical makeup. Once the chemical makeup of water is changed, it is not water anymore. The body does not recognize it as water and so there is not the same usage of the fluid as if it were water.

Even though the thirst mechanism may be quenched temporarily because the sensation of drinking something cool and wet has occurred, the cells are not getting the chemical composition of water they need! The body becomes addicted to sweet tastes, and carbonation. It causes our need for water to be silenced. But the need for water will surface in other ways, many which are showing the unhealthy level of dehydration we have achieved.

A lot of factory-made drinks contain such foreign chemical composition that we change our body’s chemistry at the central nervous system control center. Because of the mistaken belief that beverages containing water are just as hydrating, people are actually becoming more dehydrated while consuming greater amounts of fluid. So nothing can take the place of water, the body’s second greatest need (the first being oxygen).

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 15050

One result of the loss of the thirst feeling as we age is weight gain. The thirst sensation is often confused with hunger. Eating food when the body really needs water raises the levels of sugar concentration in the blood. Weight gain can bring a whole other host of ailments. By the time the thirst-confused individual does drink, they have been dehydrated far too long. Since we do not associate many ailments with thirst, we do not feel the need to drink any more than a glass here and there. However, most bodies need more than a couple glasses in a day. The result is chronic dehydration. It is not enough to kill a person right away; just enough to keep them deficient in fighting off immune system attacks and bodily dysfunction. Histamine is an emergency substance to regulate water to the important areas of the body, but it also will do some long-term damage. Histamine is not meant to be released all the time.

Dr. Batmanghelidj shares his opinion: “It seems to me that the loss of the thirst sensation is an adaptive process to false information that water is not available because we don’t drink it. If the body is once again conditioned to regular and adequate water intake, however, the thirst sensation becomes sharp and the urge to drink becomes strong. The body begins to indicate water shortage more forcefully.” Rehydration is a slow process. For all the cells to become hydrated again it will take a few days.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 25702

The brain runs on hydroelectric power. Our cells are designed to be full of and surrounded by water. They have turbines that regulate the flow of water coming in and going out. When water brings energy to the cell, its energy can be stored with adenosine triphosphate (ATP), guanosine triphosphate (GTP), and the endoplasmic reticulum. Some of this energy is used to pump out unwanted particles by cation pumps. These same pumps also bring in useful particles. 

Dr. Batmanghelidj goes on: “It is my understanding that the microtubules in the waterways of all cells, including the long nerves, are made of cation pumps that are stuck together.” The cation pumps create energy on their own, which is also stored for future use. The brain will use this extra energy for its own functions. If there is dehydration of the cell, it is not able to store energy because it has used up that energy for survival. Water flowing in through the pumps is what creates that energy. Cation pumps are not only used in nerve cells. They are used in every cell in the body. The only thing more important to the brain than water is oxygen. In order for oxygen to reach the brain, there needs to be plenty of hydration first.

 Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 8372

Fatigue is what happens when the body runs out of energy. Water is the body’s way of making sure it receives energetic compounds, in addition to water itself. Water is the carrier of everything our cells need. Our brain uses an enormous amount of energy. As brain energy decreases during dehydration, the brain is unable to carry out all its normal functions, a situation classified as depression.

Some use caffeine to get a rush of energy. It does do the job initially, but also dehydrates the body further. It is important to understand the process so that water can be substituted if desired. One cup of coffee or tea makes more urine volume than the initial volume the person ingested. They are diuretics, meaning they force more water to be expelled. Caffeine also changes the way the body reads its own energy levels. This throws the cells off balance. 

Without water, the energy in each cell is gradually drained as Dr. Batmanghelidj notes: “Now all a cell can do is stop most of its functions in order to survive. More and more, the body loses its ability to use brain energy to do mental or physical work, and the person becomes passive, in a vegetative mode of social behavior.” It would appear that the problem of fatigue could use more water in the body. 

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 9156

The amount of pollutants in our water has grown significantly since the development of synthetic chemicals during the last 100 years. These chemicals are being disposed of right into Earth’s water supply. During this period of time, developmental illnesses have been climbing. This could affect our DNA, leading to birth defects, and impair our immune system so that risk of disease is higher. Not only are these chemicals in our food and water, but also in the materials our homes are built with, and in our toiletries and cleaning supplies.

Why are synthetic chemicals so bad for our water? Adams explains: “The core issue with synthetic chemicals is that they interrupt the fragile balance existing among nature’s biochemical recycling systems. As a result, they clog the arteries of our ecosystem. Today there are mountains of synthetic chemistry loading up our dumps, landfills, lakes, rivers, and oceans. These mountains are decomposing very slowly—outgassing and breaking down into potent toxins. These toxins are percolating through our soils into our ground-waters. Americans generated 1,643 pounds of mostly toxic trash per person in 2005. A mere 32% of that was recycled.”

How can we start to turn this around? The best way is not to buy items that contain plastics or synthetic chemicals. If you wouldn’t eat it, it should not be dumped in a landfill or the ocean…because that is further polluting the water we eventually drink.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. 

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Hits: 61673

Histamine is present when we are developing as a fetus in our mother’s womb. It is the first neurotransmitter in our body. That is because histamine oversees water distribution and cell growth by delivering water and nutrition such as potassium to each cell. When the cells are strong enough, they will begin the process of dividing over and over again. Histamine also protects the cell against bacteria, viruses and chemicals.

The most natural antihistamine is water. Histamine stops producing rapidly when water is present. That is why Dr. Batmanghelidj recommends a dietary increase in water for those producing too much histamine such as people who suffer from asthma and allergies. Drinking a couple glasses of water will release adrenaline from the sympathetic nervous system for about 90 minutes. Exercise also releases adrenaline.

Dr. Batmanghelidj describes more about histamine: “The excess histamine is held in storage for its drought-management program, yet its immune system stimulation will cause a greater-than-required release of the agent. Histamine-producing cells release their histamine reserves, and they immediately begin to divide and create new histamine-producing cells.” Without water, we have too much of a good thing. While histamine is designed to protect and provide, there needs to be inner balance between all chemicals in the body.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 11075

As the popularity of soft drinks, energy drinks, sugary juice-flavored drinks, and coffee rises, children are often chronically dehydrated without knowing it. A growing child needs more water because a growing body needs plenty of water. Many children are already dehydrated because of this situation. Their cells are constantly dividing and getting bigger. That requires a lot of water. Many children today quench their thirst with other non-water sources. Without the water they need, histamine is released. Histamine regulates water in the body.

Unfortunately, excessive histamine also causes allergies and asthma by closing the bronchioles so that water is not lost through exhalation. It saves water for the body but makes breathing very difficult. If a child does not learn to recognize thirst signals and to drink water very early on, they may have an extremely hard time staying healthy.

Another reason kids need water is because their brain is still developing. In order to have a developed attention span and emotional coping skills, water is necessary. Many teenagers today seem to have lost their energy and ability to focus in school. A hydrated child could have an abundance of energy and focus throughout their entire day, setting a behavioral pattern for life

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 36722

Cartilage cells die rapidly as the body moves around. They have to be regenerated in order for the body to be able to continue to move. If repair can’t happen quickly enough, the cells that line the joint will release a hormone that encourages faster repair. There will also be pain by this time as the joints lose their protection.

Cartilage does not function well in an acidic environment. Water is needed to wash away the acidic toxins in the joints. Salt is also great for removing acidity. Water and salt are necessary for this cleansing process. The salt will raise the flow of hydration through the joint since salt retains water.

When cartilage is repaired, white blood cells remove the old fragments first. Then red blood cells are released to the area for healing. This will cause stiffness and pain. Amino acids come in to assess any protein breakdown. White blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide and ozone to keep the joint clean and to provide oxygen to the working cells that are too busy repairing to get their own oxygen from the blood. The joints become deformed with this repair process, producing the telltale signs of arthritis. The brain reproduces this effect in all other similar joints, which is why hands and feet will look identical to each other in their deformities. Water is a great way to fight against cartilage deterioration before it begins.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 17918

Neurotransmitters are chemicals produced in the brain to send information throughout the body via nerve passageways. Amino acids, which come from protein, are broken apart by enzymes in the cells. The left-overs from this process turn into “chemical messengers”.

There are five major systems that these chemicals support. First is the serotonergic system. It uses serotonin. Second is the histaminergic system. It uses histamine. Third is the adrenergic system. It uses adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine. Fourth is the cholinergic system. It uses acetylcholine. Fifth is the opiate system. It uses endorphins and enkephalins. This system handles pain relief. These neurotransmitters are kept at the end of nerves. They are released when the brain triggers an electrical notification. Since each group of nerves is so closely packed together, they require a protective coating of cholesterol.

Dr.Batmanghelidj offers his opinion: “In most neurological disorders, loss of nerve insulation is a primary contributing factor. It is damage to this insulation layer that causes a variety of symptoms, which are grouped and, in certain circumstances, labeled as ‘multiple sclerosis.’” Cholesterol is very important for nerve ending protection. Water is necessary for the brain to function on all these multiple tiers of work and to receive protection.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 111856

Tryptophan produces serotonin among other neurotransmitters. Serotonin is the most used neurotransmitter as it oversees much brain function and other bodily functions. If water is lost and the brain is affected, the chemical reactions in the brain will not go according to plan. Another thing that could go wrong is using too many amino acids. Tryptophan, as important as it is because it supplies neurotransmitters, is not produced by humans. We have to ingest it naturally. However, even if we do get enough tryptophan in our diet, without sufficient water intake, there is no way for it to travel to the brain where it is needed. The liver uses the amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine as antioxidants. Antioxidants are needed when there is not enough water to flush out toxins. They are the body’s way of sterilizing waste.

Dr. Batmanghelidj continues to discuss tryptophan: “Tryptophan is vitally important to the human body. It is an essential amino acid. From tryptophan, serotonin, tryptamine, indolamine, and melatonin are manufactured…From [this] tyrosine, adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine are manufactured. Six neurotransmitters and one hormone/transmitter—melatonin—become affected when there is dehydration, to the level of producing symptoms such as pain or asthma.” Water is essential to the function of all our neurotransmitters.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 11339

Drinking juice or milk as a replacement for water does not work. The chemical make up of water by itself is what the body needs to stay hydrated. When the chemical make up is different than plain water, the fluid should be treated as food. Orange juice can increase histamine production, making allergies or asthma worse. Even pure juice without anything added has natural sugars in it. If juice is the main source of liquid a person consumes, the liver will store the sugars into fat and the person will gain weight. Milk also has sugars in it and can present the same problems. Replacing water with milk or juice leads to dehydration because they are not an adequate source of water.

Dr.Batmanghelidj continues: “Chronic dehydration produces many symptoms, signs, and,eventually, the degenerative diseases. The physiological outcome of the sort of dehydration that produces any of the problems mentioned earlier in the book is almost the same.” Other drinks are okay in moderation as sources of food, but simply cannot replace the water we all need.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 8320
Water with Salt

Salt is a necessary mineral for all humans. It is particularly beneficial to those with asthma, allergies, and autoimmune disease. Salt is a precious commodity in desert lands and is traded for other goods because it is so valuable. Salt works with water and potassium to regulate water in the body.

Dr. Batmanghelidj explains the process: “Water regulates the water content of the interior of the cell by working its way into all the cells it reaches. It has to get there to cleanse and extract the toxic waste of cell metabolism. Once water gets into the cells, the potassium content of the cells holds on to it and keeps it there—to the extent that potassium is available inside the cells….Salt forces some water to keep it company outside the cells (osmotic retention of water by salt). It balances the amount of water that is held outside the cells.” There needs to be a balance between the water inside the cells and the water surrounding the outside of the cells. Water, salt and potassium balance the two fluids very well. Dr.Batmanghelidj recommends unrefined sea salt and dried kelp.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 17954
Water and Cholesterol

Cholesterol is necessary for our body to function in many, many ways. Too much cholesterol can also be a bad thing. When we are dehydrated, the cells in our body plug their lining with cholesterol clay-like deposits to prevent further water loss. This is when cholesterol starts to build up plaque in dangerous places like arteries. When we eat, our blood becomes concentrated with food matter, unless we take adequate water with our meal. Concentrated blood makes the body feel dehydrated, and once again, excess cholesterol ends up in places like the liver and major arteries.

Dr. Batmanghelidj discusses what we can do to help this situation: “To prevent excess cholesterol deposits by the cells lining the arteries and the liver, you need to drink regularly an ample amount of water a half hour before food intake. By this action, the cells of the body will become well hydrated before confronting the concentrated blood after food intake. There will also be enough water for the processes of digestion and respiration, without needing to tap into the water held inside the cells lining the blood vessels.” After some time of keeping the body hydrated, it will lower its need to produce cholesterol and the body’s balance will eventually even out.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 8250

Alcohol is dehydrating for the following reasons: first, it causes the kidneys to flush out water. Alcohol causes brain cell dehydration, a fact exhibited by hangover symptoms. Alcohol is a depressant to the nervous system. It can cause impotence, immune system dysfunction or liver damage. Alcohol makes free radicals, similar to acidic material, which will damage the body. Melatonin is needed for fighting these free radicals. The result is low melatonin. Dehydration leads to endorphin release, which causes alcohol to have addictive properties.

Replacing alcohol with water will actually help addiction as Dr. Batmanghelidj explains: “Water has a natural satiety impact through the hormones motilin, serotonin, and adrenaline, which culminates in the enhanced action of the body’s endorphins. Alcoholics learn that alcohol, through its stressful dehydrating action on the brain, will also cause the release of endorphins. This is how they become addicted to alcohol.If alcoholics begin to increase their water intake, or reach for a glass of water in place of a beer or a shot of their favorite hard stuff, their cravings for alcohol will tend to decrease.” Water provides the energy and a natural high to get through each day.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 18179

Minerals are important in our diet but they need water and stomach acid to be broken down and to be able to reach the cells. The most used minerals are sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium, iron, copper, chromium, and molybdenum. Salt is needed in addition to water after an exercise session to replace what was lost through sweating. The minerals that help regulate water in the cells are potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc. They keep blood pressure at a healthy level when working with sodium.

Dr. Batmanghelidj explains how to deal with aging stomach acid issues: “As we grow older, some of us manufacture less and less acid in our stomachs. These people can become deficient of vital minerals in their bodies. They also have difficulty in digesting meat. In older cultures, eating pickles with food was a precautionary measure to prevent this problem. The use of vinegar in salads eaten with meals has the same effect, if the salad dressing is sour in taste.” Lemons work in the same way since they contain plenty of citric acid. Without digestive acid, minerals cannot be broken down. Water in the diet ensures that the minerals will get to their designated cells.

 Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 13489

There are many ways these days to approach the description of non-ordinary reality or forces beyond the physical. It could be soul, spirit, mind, field, energy, higher self, divine energy or non-ordinary reality and forces beyond the physical just to name the most common ones I know of.

 Now many people in the science community believe that if you can’t see it or quantify it, then it isn’t real. To tell you the truth, I am completely open to this idea, but I’m also open to there being spirit.

Well, I certainly like to quantify things and just like the Dalai Lama, I follow certain philosophies that I am willing to adjust based on proven scientific reality, but I also believe that there is more than the eye or our scientific instruments have yet to see. I say yet because I wouldn’t be surprised if one day we could find a way to measure spiritual experiences. There are actually some scientists like Mario Beauregard and Denyse O’Leary, two neuroscientists who wrote The Spiritual Brain, who claim to have proven that there are forces outside the brain that influence our experience. Or Bruce Lipton, a Cell Biologist, who has discovered that there is a force outside our cells that seems to be exchanging energy and information.

So what I would really like to ponder in this post is; if there is a spiritual aspect to the Universe, then what is the spirit of water all about? Here are some human like questions; Are there many spirits of water? Does every drop of water have a spirit? What is a water spirit like? Since we are mostly water are we in communion with the spirit of water? Does water even have it’s own spirit? If water has a spirit, does it blend with ours or are we all one connected spirit on the spiritual level or is it separate, even on that level? If the spirit of water could speak to us, what would it say? Am I saying it right now? Either way, I would like to give thanks to the spirit of water. Thank you!

Thanks for reading this fun post about my curiosity of the spirit of water. If you feel like adding more questions or providing some answers, or any other kind of feedback, please feel free to do so in the comments below.

Original author: Structured
Hits: 11754

There are many ways these days to approach the description of non-ordinary reality or forces beyond the physical. It could be soul, spirit, mind, field, energy, higher self, divine energy or non-ordinary reality and forces beyond the physical just to name the most common ones I know of.

 Now many people in the science community believe that if you can’t see it or quantify it, then it isn’t real. To tell you the truth, I am completely open to this idea, but I’m also open to there being spirit.

Well, I certainly like to quantify things and just like the Dalai Lama, I follow certain philosophies that I am willing to adjust based on proven scientific reality, but I also believe that there is more than the eye or our scientific instruments have yet to see. I say yet because I wouldn’t be surprised if one day we could find a way to measure spiritual experiences. There are actually some scientists like Mario Beauregard and Denyse O’Leary, two neuroscientists who wrote The Spiritual Brain, who claim to have proven that there are forces outside the brain that influence our experience. Or Bruce Lipton, a Cell Biologist, who has discovered that there is a force outside our cells that seems to be exchanging energy and information.

So what I would really like to ponder in this post is; if there is a spiritual aspect to the Universe, then what is the spirit of water all about? Here are some human like questions; Are there many spirits of water? Does every drop of water have a spirit? What is a water spirit like? Since we are mostly water are we in communion with the spirit of water? Does water even have it’s own spirit? If water has a spirit, does it blend with ours or are we all one connected spirit on the spiritual level or is it separate, even on that level? If the spirit of water could speak to us, what would it say? Am I saying it right now? Either way, I would like to give thanks to the spirit of water. Thank you!

Thanks for reading this fun post about my curiosity of the spirit of water. If you feel like adding more questions or providing some answers, or any other kind of feedback, please feel free to do so in the comments below.

Original author: Structured
Hits: 22840

Each of the Earth’s minerals has a crystalline form. Diamonds are crystalline carbon; emeralds are crystalline beryllium; and rubies are crystalline corundum. The difference between corundum and a ruby is the way the molecules are organized or structured (see images of corundum and ruby at right). Each crystal has a specific structural pattern. Minerals form crystals when circumstances (for example: heat and/or pressure) cause the molecules to form a repeating pattern. Most people know that extreme pressure is required to form a diamond. Pressure forces molecules to arrange themselves in a different configuration to withstand the pressure. Structural organization changes the characteristics of the substance. Some of these changes are obvious—like the visible difference between carbon and a diamond. It’s all a matter of organization.

Water, too, has a crystalline form—ice.  Yet research reveals that water also has a liquid crystalline form. Although the molecules remain mobile in liquid crystalline water, they move together, like a school of fish swimming in the sea. This is structured water—also referred to as organized water, hexagonal water, and liquid crystalline water.

Liquid crystals are a special phase of matter. Like solid crystals, they can transmit signals; the repeating pattern provides an efficient pathway for the smooth flow of energetic information. Liquid crystals are flexible and many times more responsive than solid crystals.

Dr. Gerald Pollack, professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington has provided significant evidence for water’s liquid crystalline structure. His research has demonstrated water’s capacity to form large zones of structured water. He has shown that this water has measurably different characteristics including: molecular stability, a negative electrical charge, greater viscosity, molecular alignment, and an enhanced ability to absorb certain spectra of light. He and others have provided evidence that the liquid crystalline phase of water is intimately connected with the generation of life. Dr. Pollack discusses his research in a recent lecture.

Much of the water in a healthy human body is in a liquid crystalline/structured state. Many components of the body are also considered to be liquid crystals, including collagen and cell membranes. These tissues work cooperatively with structured water to create an informational network that reaches to every cell. The liquid crystalline organization of the human body accounts for the instantaneous transfer of signals and other biological information.

Healthy DNA is surrounded by structured water. This water is responsible for the DNA’s stability. Structured water is also responsible for supporting the electromagnetic field surrounding DNA. As water loses its crystalline structure (because of age and disease), the integrity of the DNA is often compromised.  Youthful DNA, surrounded by crystalline/structured water, has a much stronger electromagnetic field than DNA from older individuals.

Water’s crystalline structure is based on tetrahedral geometry where oxygen atoms form the center of each tetrahedron.  Under ideal circumstances, as water tetrahedra join together, a repeating hexagonal pattern is generated with oxygen atoms forming the vertices of each hexagon. This is the reason liquid crystalline water has also been referred to as hexagonal water.


Water’s crystalline structure

Top: The tetrahedral molecular structure of water as viewed from the side.
Bottom: The hexagonal pattern as viewed from the top.
Black dots represent oxygen atoms; white dots indicate hydrogen atoms.


Quartz crystals exhibit the same molecular geometry as structured water. Quartz is a network of interconnected SiO4 tetrahedra. Structured water is a network of OH4 tetrahedra. This is one reason water has the capacity to store and transfer information. The image to the right shows the geometric pattern in quartz.  It identifies the  tetrahedral arrangement as well as the hexagonal channels created by the repeating geometry.

Hydrogen bonding
Water’s liquid crystalline structure is made possible, in part, by electrostatic forces called hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are formed by the attraction of positive and negative charges. In the water molecule, the oxygen atom maintains a slightly negative charge while the hydrogen atoms maintain a slightly positive charge. These charges attract each other and link water molecules to form an interconnected, crystalline network.

The Hydrogen Bond (right)
The positively-charged hydrogen atom is electrostatically attracted to the negatively-charged oxygen atom to form a hydrogen bond. This is the foundation for the development of the liquid crystalline water matrix.


Hydrogen bonding in most water is random. There is no long-term pattern to the way the water molecules become interconnected. However, many natural forces can influence the degree and the stability of hydrogen bonding. The electromagnetic forces inherent in the Earth play a role. Organization itself provides a degree of stability, similar to the way interlocking bricks create a sturdy framework, so that hydrogen bonds are not as easily broken. A structured water network is said to be coherent when it can maintain a degree of molecular stability while in motion.

Water can form many structural patterns depending on its vibrational environment. When there is a high degree of hydrogen bonding (no matter the pattern) then water behaves differently and takes on different characteristics. Water’s capacity to store and to transmit information is directly proportional to structure and coherence. The greater the structure (characterized by increased hydrogen bonding), and the greater the coherence(characterized by the degree to which the water can maintain its structure), the greater its capacity to store and deliver signals and other information

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Original author: Structured
Hits: 12341

Minerals are important in our diet but they need water and stomach acid to be broken down and to be able to reach the cells. The most used minerals are sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium, iron, copper, chromium, and molybdenum.

Salt is needed in addition to water after an exercise session to replace what was lost through sweating. The minerals that help regulate water in the cells are potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc. They keep blood pressure at a healthy level when working with sodium.

Dr. Batmanghelidj explains how to deal with aging stomach acid issues: “As we grow older, some of us manufacture less and less acid in our stomachs. These people can become deficient of vital minerals in their bodies. They also have difficulty in digesting meat. In older cultures, eating pickles with food was a precautionary measure to prevent this problem. The use of vinegar in salads eaten with meals has the same effect, if the salad dressing is sour in taste.” Lemons work in the same way since they contain plenty of citric acid. Without digestive acid, minerals cannot be broken down. Water in the diet ensures that the minerals will get to their designated cells.

Original author: Structured
Hits: 7200

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