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The Biology of Structured Water
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This post will explore the biology of structured water. Why is hexagonal or structured water so special? Dr. Jhon explains: “Hexagonal Water—comprised of small molecular units or ring-shaped clusters—moves easily within the cellular matrix of the body, helping with nutrient absorption and waste removal. It aids metabolic processes, supports the immune system, contributes to lasting vitality and acts as a carrier or dissolved oxygen. It can provide alkaline minerals to the body and it helps in the more efficient removal of acidic wastes. Drinking Hexagonal Water takes us in the direction of greater health.”
There was an experiment done where snow water, the water with the highest known amount of hexagonal structure, was used to sprout wheat. The enzymes that are activated during sprouting were significantly more efficient with snow water than with any other water used.
Dr. Jhon notes that water’s structure is ultimately more significant than the source it is retrieved from. Of course, one would try to choose the best source possible, but structured water does clean itself. In a final thought, Dr. Jhon talks about theory vs. fact: “For a long time this information has been theory however, clinical research has begun to substantiate the theory and vast numbers of individuals are benefiting from the use of Hexagonal Water, today.” What would the world be like if we could all have access to structured water?
Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon
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