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Hexagonal Water Is Healthy Water

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Here are some reasons Hexagonal water is healthy water.

Hexagonal water or structured water is associated with health and vitality. Hexagonal water gives energy to the cell with its high level of “specific heat”. Specific heat is the measurement of water’s ability to give off energy or metabolize.

Without hexagonal or structured water, waste may not be properly eliminated. Build-up of waste can lead to disease in tissues and organs quickly. Every process in the cell creates waste and that waste needs to be removed efficiently.

Dr. Jhon shares his thoughts on this subject: “Since water has such a high energetic capacity, and since it has the ability to dissolve matter, it is the logical candidate for cleanup. When considering the differences between pentagonal and Hexagonal Water, Hexagonal Water is the preferred choice. It is energetically more powerful! Hexagonal Water improves cell water turnover and supports metabolic efficiency.”

While does not condone the use of animals for testing, in his book The Water Puzzle and Hexagonal Key, Dr. Jhon talks about an interesting study done several years ago. A man named Verhulst did an experiment where he fed one group of beagle dogs structured water and the other group un-structured water. The age of the first group averaged 13 years while the second group averaged a mere 7 years. Dr. Jhon notes that this experiment supports the belief that structured water is beneficial to health, longevity and vitality!

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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