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Water and Fatigue
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Fatigue is what happens when the body runs out of energy. Water is the body’s way of making sure it receives energetic compounds, in addition to water itself. Water is the carrier of everything our cells need. Our brain uses an enormous amount of energy. As brain energy decreases during dehydration, the brain is unable to carry out all its normal functions, a situation classified as depression.
Some use caffeine to get a rush of energy. It does do the job initially, but also dehydrates the body further. It is important to understand the process so that water can be substituted if desired. One cup of coffee or tea makes more urine volume than the initial volume the person ingested. They are diuretics, meaning they force more water to be expelled. Caffeine also changes the way the body reads its own energy levels. This throws the cells off balance.
Without water, the energy in each cell is gradually drained as Dr. Batmanghelidj notes: “Now all a cell can do is stop most of its functions in order to survive. More and more, the body loses its ability to use brain energy to do mental or physical work, and the person becomes passive, in a vegetative mode of social behavior.” It would appear that the problem of fatigue could use more water in the body.
Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
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