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Tsunamis are large seismic waves caused by underwater earthquakes. These occur largely in the region of the Pacific Ocean because the tectonic plates around the Pacific all push inward, while the plates inside the Pacific push outward. Many scientists are puzzled as to what the source of energy behind earthquakes and tsunamis is. Adams suggests one option: “Here the solution to this mystery is provided by an understanding of the earth as a living organism. This is because living organisms produce biological mechanisms resulting in heat, movement, circulation, digestion, and so on. Earthquakes account for only a fraction—some say about 10% —of the total energy expended by the earth.” Tectonic plate shifts are also associated with volcanoes which further suggest a living, pulsing earth. Scientists have noted that the lunar cycle could have an effect on earthquake patterns, in particular eclipses. Egyptians, Vedic cultures and Ancient Greeks recorded their studies on the new moon eclipses correlating with earthquakes. It is most likely a phenomenon related to the magnetic field of the Earth and moon working together. The cycles of Earth and its water therefore involve much more than just inside our atmosphere. There are universal properties and energies at work in this global cycle of life.

Reference: “Pure Water” by Casey Adams, Ph.D.

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