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Information in Water

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This post explores the topic of information in water. Water carries the information necessary for cells to function and for life on Earth to survive. This is the most powerful information because without it there would be no life.

Water’s vibrations continue to give us and the planet the attunement we need. As many scientists have stated, water is medicine. The health community is now starting to realize the true and complete healing powers of water.

Pangman and Evans point out how the process on a molecular level is very detailed: “Water molecules literally switch polarities over and over again as protons (hydrogen atoms without their electrons) are passed rapidly through the matrix of relatively static, hydrogen-bonded water molecules. This is called proton tunneling or jump conduction. Water is potentially capable of transferring vibratory information in this way with very little actual molecular movement. The only way this can happen is if water is in a liquid crystalline state. In this state, water has the ability to deliver frequencies for considerable distances at the speed of light.”

The power of information in structured water is tremendous. It has the ability to not only align the Earth but our bodies as well. As scientists in the past and present are finding out, the functionality and perfection of structured water is hard to beat.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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