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Summer Water

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As the fall sets in and it begins to get cold I am reminiscent of summer water. I was fortunate to spend some time back in Sedona, AZ over the summer. While I was back there I was able to go to the creek with old friends and my brother many times. We even found a new favorite spot which is an amazing swimming hole.

Sedona has wonderfully beautiful red rock mountains and the creek flows between these red rocks. The summer water is a perfect temperature to cool down from the hot Arizona heat. Though I actually appreciate the Arizona heat after a long winter in northern Colorado. Not that I'm complaining to be living in Boulder, CO. I was even also able to get a nice dose of summer water from the Boulder creek which reminds me a bit of the Oak Creek in Sedona.

I grew up in Sedona and some of my favorite memories are going to the creek day after day in the summer. All my friends would meet up there and have a blast. Back then we were more daring and would jump off the cliffs and do crazy flips and acrobats. Though we did do some cliff jumping this summer but the acrobats have toned down quite a bit.

One of my favorite things to do this last summer was to dunk my body and stay under as long as I could and just sense the water and the Earth as mindfully as possible. A good friend of mine took me to a special creek spot in Telluride this year when the water was still very cold but we both got in anyways. Although he was the only one to get all the way in. He told me that it really grounded him to the Earth. So this summer I really paid attention to that and he was right, water is a great  connector to the Earth. There were even times when we were at a favorite spot of ours in Sedona called Essene Beach and I would go under the water and feel so connected to the Earth that old memories of being connected to it and specifically the creek, would surface in my consciousness and I could even feel it in my bones. I love Water and Earth and all the elements dearly. Thank you life!

If you have any favorite summer water stories, please feel free to share them in the comments below. I look forward to hearing about your connection to life. Not only do I miss summer water in the Fall and Winter but I miss hearing the laughter of kids and adults enjoying it.

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