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Water for Cartilage
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Cartilage cells die rapidly as the body moves around. They have to be regenerated in order for the body to be able to continue to move. If repair can’t happen quickly enough, the cells that line the joint will release a hormone that encourages faster repair. There will also be pain by this time as the joints lose their protection.
Cartilage does not function well in an acidic environment. Water is needed to wash away the acidic toxins in the joints. Salt is also great for removing acidity. Water and salt are necessary for this cleansing process. The salt will raise the flow of hydration through the joint since salt retains water.
When cartilage is repaired, white blood cells remove the old fragments first. Then red blood cells are released to the area for healing. This will cause stiffness and pain. Amino acids come in to assess any protein breakdown. White blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide and ozone to keep the joint clean and to provide oxygen to the working cells that are too busy repairing to get their own oxygen from the blood. The joints become deformed with this repair process, producing the telltale signs of arthritis. The brain reproduces this effect in all other similar joints, which is why hands and feet will look identical to each other in their deformities. Water is a great way to fight against cartilage deterioration before it begins.
Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
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