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Water In Nature
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This post explores some concepts around water in nature. The colder water gets, the more structured it becomes because the number of hydrogen bonds rises. As water freezes it expands by 9% for the molecules to fit into place in its full crystalline structure.
The density and energy of water is at its height when the temperature is at 39.2ºF. Pangman and Evans write: “If we provide the circumstances that increase water’s structure—without freezing—water’s life force is maximized. Keeping water cool contributes to its structural organization as well as to its capacity to hold nutrients and store energy.”
This is yet another reason why water in nature works so well. Streams usually come from melted snow from the mountains. This water, just above freezing temperatures, is able to structure itself and hold minerals as it moves along. It has been said that there could be many health advantages to drinking snow water directly from the mountains for these benefits alone, besides being mostly unpolluted and pure. We can’t all live in the mountains, but we can keep our water cold with technology and structured with water-structuring products
Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans
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