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Light and Oxygen In Water - Especially In Structured Water
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This post explores the fascinating topic of light and oxygen in water - especially in structured water. Oxygen is essential to life on Earth. As oxygen travels throughout other atomic equations, it leaves behind free radicals called “oxygen radicals”. Oxygen radicals would be harmful if not balanced with polar opposite hydrogen. When stress in our environment causes us to have trouble absorbing hydrogen, oxygen radicals can take over.
Oxygen radicals are also beneficial in some ways according to Pangman & Evans:
"They play a unique role as signaling molecules. They participate in cellular communication and they regulate growth and gene expression. Oscillation between the production and the neutralization of oxygen radicals is a fundamental mechanism linked with immune function and with many regulatory processes. Oxygen radicals also generate a source of energy in biological organisms—light."
The light source these radicals create may even be part of our aura or energy field. After a water molecule breaks apart, oxygen radicals are formed. In structured water, oxygen radicals cause electrons left behind to be more energetic in their function, letting the water perform at its highest potential, full of light.
The light that can be seen in a picture of a structured water drop comes from this process. So if you want more light and oxygen in your water, consider structuring your water.
Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans
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