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Water in the Universe

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There is a bigger water cycle than our global example; it is universal as well. There is evidence of water in space. Meteorites can be up to 20% ice, and comets are largely composed of ice.

There are also vaporous clouds in space. As millions of meteorites hit Earth’s surface, they usually disintegrate upon entry, leaving just water mist to enter our atmosphere.

The Sun evaporates our water, and so there is a unique exchange between the Universe and the Earth. As long as water is given time to complete the natural cycle, it gives life and vitality. It is living water, structured and complete.

If water is taken before it has completed its cycle, it is considered lifeless water. Some cities recycle water directly after it has been used. This water does not contain the structure and life-giving qualities of naturally occurring mature water.

Pollution and negative energy or thoughts can also taint the unstructured water. The miracle of structuring one’s water is that it can renew the ability all water has to clean itself if it is just given the proper movement and stable environment to thrive in.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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