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Water for Neurotransmission
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Neurotransmitters are chemicals produced in the brain to send information throughout the body via nerve passageways. Amino acids, which come from protein, are broken apart by enzymes in the cells. The left-overs from this process turn into “chemical messengers”.
There are five major systems that these chemicals support. First is the serotonergic system. It uses serotonin. Second is the histaminergic system. It uses histamine. Third is the adrenergic system. It uses adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine. Fourth is the cholinergic system. It uses acetylcholine. Fifth is the opiate system. It uses endorphins and enkephalins. This system handles pain relief. These neurotransmitters are kept at the end of nerves. They are released when the brain triggers an electrical notification. Since each group of nerves is so closely packed together, they require a protective coating of cholesterol.
Dr.Batmanghelidj offers his opinion: “In most neurological disorders, loss of nerve insulation is a primary contributing factor. It is damage to this insulation layer that causes a variety of symptoms, which are grouped and, in certain circumstances, labeled as ‘multiple sclerosis.’” Cholesterol is very important for nerve ending protection. Water is necessary for the brain to function on all these multiple tiers of work and to receive protection.
Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
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