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Feminine and Masculine Qualities Within Water Cycles

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Positive and negative forces, or polarity, create the cycle of life. Water is a part of that cycle. Without the cycle of renewal that water goes through daily, it would contain no life-giving properties.

Water displays feminine qualities while being consumed, giving nourishment. When it is being recycled and cleaned, it displays masculine qualities because it is taking in minerals rather than giving them.

Every time water is renewed, it has the potential to become different than it was before. Each cycle is a new experience, separate from the last. It is interesting to note that water’s cycle itself also balances the masculine and feminine energies in its polarity.

The masculine occurs when the water is on the surface of the Earth and it is gaining energy from the sun. The feminine energy occurs when the water is underground being nurtured in the cool, dark atmosphere of the earth. Unless these two polar opposites come together, the cycle is not fully complete. Like all life on the earth, one part cannot continue without the other. The male and female energies or organisms cooperate together to form one successful life cycle.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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