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Superfoods are an amazing way to get all the minerals and vitamins in your body in a world where food is over processed and soil is depleted. Even organic produce these days are lacking the proper minerals, vitamins and conductivity that we need because our soil has been raped and plundered by pesticides, DDT and a lack of love. And since most supplements on the market today are over processed and lack the proper enzyme content to absorb the vitamins and minerals, we only get about 5-10% from this source and so waste our money and time. This is where Superfoods come in. These are Goji Berries, Bee Pollen, Spirulina, E3 Live, Coconut Water, Raw Cacao, Kombucha, Nutritional Yeast (some), Chlorella, Acai, Royal Jelly, Sea Vegetables, Phytoplankton, Purple Corn, Noni Juice and Incan berries. And there are more being discovered all the time. They taste great, give you lots of energy and truly provide a high level of health. Here are some great places to go for these Vivapura, Elements For Life and Sunfood. And of course water is the ultimate superfood especially structured water.

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Guest Monday, 03 March 2025