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The Effects of Modern Electricity on Water

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This post will explore the effects of modern electricity on water. The AC (alternating current) we use today is man-made electricity. Along with radios, microwaves, cell phones, power lines, satellite and radar, these types of electricity can pollute natural energetic fields of both water, our ability to absorb water, and biological living organisms.

Using a voltmeter, scientists have measured the effect of electrical devices on humans. Even from several feet away there is still contact between energy fields. A microwave will “…reverse the polarity of the water molecule 2.5 billion times a second.” The result is dead water.

What can be done to help remedy the effects of modern electricity on water? Virtually every house has electricity wired through its walls or is near power lines in addition to all our electrical gadgets. There are several products on today’s market which claim to lower the harmful frequencies we are experiencing. Keeping our drinking water as far away as possible from electric fields is one of the most helpful things we can do. We can can also choose to structure our water. If the water is structured, it should contain its hydrating and energizing benefits for optimal well-being.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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