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Possible Controversies With Alkaline Ionized Water or Electric Ionized Water

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This post will explore possible controversies with alkaline ionized water or electric ionized water.

Direct Current (DC) is used by electrolysis. Some people use electrolysis to structure their water, although it is a temporary solution. Pangman and Evans have found studies in Japanese science stating “…the quality of alkaline ionized water deteriorates rapidly, regardless of preservation conditions."

Machines that ionize water separate the positive (alkaline) from the negative (acidic) charge so that only the alkaline water is consumed. Although it goes against the pattern of nature, some people have enjoyed using water ionizers. Pangman and Evan found studies that were done on rats showing that exclusively drinking imbalanced water, in this case alkaline ionized water, resulted in heart disease. The man who did most of the research was a cardiologist.

Structured water that is polarized, containing a balance of both positive and negative charges, is very beneficial. However, it is important to the individual to do what works best for themselves since everyone is different. Science is continually changing as more research is done, and it is not yet known how exclusive consumption of alkaline ionized water would affect humans.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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