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Water vs. Other Fluids
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Anything that is added to water changes its chemical makeup. Once the chemical makeup of water is changed, it is not water anymore. The body does not recognize it as water and so there is not the same usage of the fluid as if it were water.
Even though the thirst mechanism may be quenched temporarily because the sensation of drinking something cool and wet has occurred, the cells are not getting the chemical composition of water they need! The body becomes addicted to sweet tastes, and carbonation. It causes our need for water to be silenced. But the need for water will surface in other ways, many which are showing the unhealthy level of dehydration we have achieved.
A lot of factory-made drinks contain such foreign chemical composition that we change our body’s chemistry at the central nervous system control center. Because of the mistaken belief that beverages containing water are just as hydrating, people are actually becoming more dehydrated while consuming greater amounts of fluid. So nothing can take the place of water, the body’s second greatest need (the first being oxygen).
Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
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