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Water Turbulence

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This post explores the topic of water turbulence. Turbulence causes water to be vortexed, increasing structure and capacity to hold new memory.

Many natural holistic products are made by diluting a concentrated substance and shaking it with each dilution so that the new water introduced gains the memory of the elixir. With its new memory, this water is ready to pass on its information to the receiving biological cell. Another thing that happens when water is shaken is that nanobubbles are formed. They are included in water’s structure and their “thin membrane” helps to keep the water’s memory intact and ready to send to cells.

With turbulence in water come vibrations: “Vibrational templates from sound, light, and subtle energy literally touch the surface of water, providing a template for the epitaxial transfer of information. Vibrations have the capacity to influence the structure of the entire volume of water just like any other solid template. Vibrational patterns (from sound, light, minerals, and even thoughts ) create structural patterns in water similar to the way sound frequencies produce structural patterns in sand. These patterns are specific and reproducible based on the frequencies used to create them…”

So there is a pattern or design in structured water as it carries information. Without turbulence as is seen in nature, water becomes dead and lifeless.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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