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Antioxidants In Water

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Antioxidants negate oxidants (free radicals). Antioxidants are able to give electrons to the oxidants to change their chemical structure. Enzymes are great antioxidants, which we make naturally when our bodies are efficiently functioning. Enzymes protect vulnerable parts of the cell from harmful oxidants. Enzymes last a long time in order to do their job thousands of times.

It is important to remember that without oxidants and reductants (electron donors), antioxidants cannot do their job. This could be why many treatments using antioxidants fail. Hydrogen supplies a lot of reductants that will work with antioxidants. Hydrogen will convert oxygen radicals to water as shown in this outline excerpt from the reference: 

    1. Oxygen that is taken through the lungs produces an oxygen radical.
    2. The oxygen radical is reduced by atomic hydrogen and the positive hydrogen ion. This produces another reactive oxygen species (hydrogen peroxide).
    3. Hydrogen peroxide is further reduced by electrons supplied from the negative hydrogen ion, producing a hydroxyl radical and a hydroxide anion. 
    4. The hydroxyl radical is reduced by hydrogen, producing water.
    5. The hydroxide anion is reduced by hydrogen, also producing water.

The hydrogen ion, which is positive, can’t give electrons but it does negate them via electrical charge. It is also a proton which will cause the ion and oxidant to become stabilized. These complex chemical reactions all work together for proper water absorption in the body.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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