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Water in the Immune System
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It is important to do all we can to stay healthy in a preventive way. Not only could it save us money in the long run, but healthy people tend to feel better.
It is possible that both structured and unstructured water exist in our bodies at the same time. The ratio between the two is just different depending on the person. Dr. Jhon calls hexagonal water a “key to health” and mentions that stress can change hexagonal water into pentagonal water, which is not optimal for the body.
Dr. Jhon worked with Dr. Choi on a study of the effects of hexagonal water consumption. The results were very positive. They selected eight subjects who had chronic constipation and gave them alkaline ionized water for four weeks. They gave the same water to 34 subjects without constipation and used x-ray technology to verify digestive movements. After four weeks, 6 of the original 8 had improved in their digestion and transition time between drinking water rose 40-60%. The other 34 subjects showed no change.
A healthy digestive system definitely helps the rest of the body too, since it is the digestive system’s job to eliminate waste from the body. The effects of this could create a positive outcome of the overall immune system itself.
Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon
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