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India’s Ayurvedic Water Beliefs
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The Vedic culture started out near the Saraswati River and grew to the Ganges River. The sage Kananda had the theory that there are nine substances in the universe: space, air, fire, water, earth, mind, soul, time and direction. From five of these were discovered the three constitutions. Vata is space and air, or movement. Pitta is fire and water, or metabolism. Kapha is earth and water, or stability. When in equilibrium, these three constitutions or doshas are able to perfectly balance each other:
Life depends on water’s constancy. The ability of water to absorb large amounts of energy buffers photosynthesis in cytoplasm and the transfer of oxygen in animal blood from chaotic flux; moderates the Earth’s climate by using oceans and lakes for heat storage; eases seasonal change and our bodies’ adaptation to it by slowing, without shocks, the change of weather; and protects plants like cacti from boiling under desert skies, Most of all, water’s specific heat, heat of vaporization and heat of fusion give life its ability to maintain in hard times. Without these molecular traits, climatic extremes would turn living creatures over to their Maker at unprecedented rates.
Most water found on Earth is too salty to drink. It's been suggested that we need 2.5 liters per day. Water is what keeps us all alive and makes up over 60% of our bodies. It lubricates every part of us to keep the balance between all three doshas. The Ayurvedic goal is to keep Vata, Pitta and Kapha equal in the body for ultimate health. (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)
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