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Minerals in water are much like most things; to be absorbed properly, they need to be balanced with other things. Minerals are alkaline and so they may need a certain level of acidity to be beneficial. This also seems to be true for mineral supplements and alkaline water.

One great solution is organic foods. Organic foods can naturally have the minerals and balancing acidic properties necessary for sufficient absorption. As babies grow into adults, stomach acidity declines. If the necessary acid can’t be gained from diet, supplemental hydrochloric acid is available.

Pangman & Evans expand on the molecular changes concerning minerals in water:

"Water in motion absorbs carbon dioxide and other gases from air. Carbon dioxide forms an organic acid in water known as carbonic acid. It combines with alkaline minerals to create organic mineral complexes that are easily absorbed. The soil also contains organic acids. These are introduced in healthy rivers and streams. In nature, all these organic acids balance alkaline minerals. The resulting water is slightly acidic yet it contains alkaline minerals in a usable, organic form. Nature’s healthy balance for water is slightly acidic—not alkaline."

Added minerals in water may therefore upset the delicate balance provided by nature. Structured water is wonderful for letting the body absorb the minerals naturally.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 7584

The vibration of hydrogen and its bonds is what our body reacts to when it is taking in hydrogen. Hydration and hydrogen come from the same root because they are directly related. Unstructured water does not contain the higher vibrations that structured water does.

The more efficiently we can hydrate ourselves, the more energy we will have for things like sports, busy family life and improving our immune functions. Once hydrogen has been replaced where the body suffered depletion, enzymes can do their job better. Drinking more hydrogen-rich water can be beneficial as it moves into the blood after just minutes of drinking it.

According to MJ Pangman and Melanie Evans, in 2008, an experiment in Japan saw that participants who drank hydrogen-rich water saw improvements after 8 weeks in their metabolism and blood sugar issues. With an over-abundance of free radicals like pollution, stress and electronic interference, replenishing our hydrogen is very important.

The structured water in nature seems to be a great solution because it already has the balance of acidity and alkaline minerals our bodies need. The good news is that even if people can't always have access to a clean source of water in nature they can still structure the water in their home with a Natural Action Structured Water Unit

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 10050

While researching water, MJ Pangman and Melanie Evans found that quartz is able to relay information to another source without physically contacting that source. This phenomenon is known as “epitaxy”. As far as minerals go, quartz is the most plentiful one we have on Earth. Quartz has been used to help water filtering devices in the past and is still used for that purpose.

Quartz works well with water because they are similar in their molecular structure. Quartz, although used in certain water filters, also does its job underground along with several other minerals. The structuring properties of the quartz help to renew and clean the water.

Because of the communicative properties of quartz, it is also used in many technologies such as radio, television, and lasers which help to control clocks, computers, and GPS systems. So quartz has a lot of structuring power and when pointed at a source of water, the crystal stone will begin to structure the water by gathering the surrounding energy and focusing it in one place.

According to Pangman and Evans, quartz not only structures water but programs it as well. Because the human body is made up of mostly water, quartz could also have an affect on our bodies and our energy field.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 29174

This post explores the topic of water memory. Water can hold information like a computer chip. Structured water can hold more memory because it is more efficient on a molecular level. A doctor named Jacques Benveniste conducted an experiment in which he diluted water containing allergens to the point that no more allergens existed in the water sample. However, upon giving the water sample to living cells, an allergic reaction was still seen.

There have since been other studies done to verify this published experiment. The water carried only the memory of the allergen and the effect was the same. Benveniste also noted in later experiments that vortexed or structured water held more memory than unstructured water. When a biological molecule is removed from its water source, it stops functioning. Only when structured water is added does the molecule repair itself. Unstructured water produces no results.

Pangman & Evans continue: “When water is structured, it not only has a greater capacity to store information (memory) but it also has the infrastructure to deliver the message with speed and accuracy. A growing body of scientific evidence confirms water’s role as an accumulator, transmitter, and transducer of energy patterns. New technology provides evidence of water’s capacity to store and amplify biologically significant information.”

It is thanks due to the scientific community and their ongoing research that we know more about water and water memory.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 12100

This post explores the topic of water turbulence. Turbulence causes water to be vortexed, increasing structure and capacity to hold new memory.

Many natural holistic products are made by diluting a concentrated substance and shaking it with each dilution so that the new water introduced gains the memory of the elixir. With its new memory, this water is ready to pass on its information to the receiving biological cell. Another thing that happens when water is shaken is that nanobubbles are formed. They are included in water’s structure and their “thin membrane” helps to keep the water’s memory intact and ready to send to cells.

With turbulence in water come vibrations: “Vibrational templates from sound, light, and subtle energy literally touch the surface of water, providing a template for the epitaxial transfer of information. Vibrations have the capacity to influence the structure of the entire volume of water just like any other solid template. Vibrational patterns (from sound, light, minerals, and even thoughts ) create structural patterns in water similar to the way sound frequencies produce structural patterns in sand. These patterns are specific and reproducible based on the frequencies used to create them…”

So there is a pattern or design in structured water as it carries information. Without turbulence as is seen in nature, water becomes dead and lifeless.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 16623