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Water Memory

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This post explores the topic of water memory. Water can hold information like a computer chip. Structured water can hold more memory because it is more efficient on a molecular level. A doctor named Jacques Benveniste conducted an experiment in which he diluted water containing allergens to the point that no more allergens existed in the water sample. However, upon giving the water sample to living cells, an allergic reaction was still seen.

There have since been other studies done to verify this published experiment. The water carried only the memory of the allergen and the effect was the same. Benveniste also noted in later experiments that vortexed or structured water held more memory than unstructured water. When a biological molecule is removed from its water source, it stops functioning. Only when structured water is added does the molecule repair itself. Unstructured water produces no results.

Pangman & Evans continue: “When water is structured, it not only has a greater capacity to store information (memory) but it also has the infrastructure to deliver the message with speed and accuracy. A growing body of scientific evidence confirms water’s role as an accumulator, transmitter, and transducer of energy patterns. New technology provides evidence of water’s capacity to store and amplify biologically significant information.”

It is thanks due to the scientific community and their ongoing research that we know more about water and water memory.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Guest Tuesday, 04 March 2025