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How to measure structured water?

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We use the Gas Discharge Visualization Machine or GDV Machine which acts like an advanced kirlian camera that takes pictures of the energy of the water. The structured water that Clay is promoting has the highest energy flow so far of any of the watersout there, including R/O, other filters, and other things claiming to bestructured.

I’m sure there are other ways of measuring structure, but we,the general populace, don’t have access to them yet.

Go to to find out more about it and its’ inventor Dr. Konstantin Korotkov. Konstantin Korotkov, a physicist, has traveled aroundthe world sharing insights gained from the bio-photonic imaging technology thathe developed, alternately called, Gas Discharge Visualization, or GDV. It is acomputer-based system that allows energetic readings to be taken on humanbeings, animals and plants, plus environments and products. It promises to helphumanity change its perception, not only of each other, but how we interactwith our world.

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Guest Saturday, 27 July 2024