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The Vibration of Hydration

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The vibration of hydrogen and its bonds is what our body reacts to when it is taking in hydrogen. Hydration and hydrogen come from the same root because they are directly related. Unstructured water does not contain the higher vibrations that structured water does.

The more efficiently we can hydrate ourselves, the more energy we will have for things like sports, busy family life and improving our immune functions. Once hydrogen has been replaced where the body suffered depletion, enzymes can do their job better. Drinking more hydrogen-rich water can be beneficial as it moves into the blood after just minutes of drinking it.

According to MJ Pangman and Melanie Evans, in 2008, an experiment in Japan saw that participants who drank hydrogen-rich water saw improvements after 8 weeks in their metabolism and blood sugar issues. With an over-abundance of free radicals like pollution, stress and electronic interference, replenishing our hydrogen is very important.

The structured water in nature seems to be a great solution because it already has the balance of acidity and alkaline minerals our bodies need. The good news is that even if people can't always have access to a clean source of water in nature they can still structure the water in their home with a Natural Action Structured Water Unit

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



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Guest Tuesday, 22 October 2024