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Water in the Past

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Dr. Jhon states that “Historically, only those civilizations that could control their supply of water were successful. Accordingly, all the major civilizations throughout history have begun around large rivers.”

The Mesopotamians started in-between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Chinese started on the Huang Ho River. The people of India started on the Ganges River. Finally, the Egyptians started on the Nile River.

Other cultures got their start by inventing wells, irrigation structures and rainfall containers. It is reported that the ancient Greek civilization had a term “hydrography” referring to their study of water. In the world of water today, there are many organizations dedicated to funding fresh, clean drinking water delivery to nations that are struggling.

Water has always been associated with wealth and success. The knowledge we now are starting to understand about structured water brings with it the hope that every nation can benefit from it. We can most likely never overestimate the power of clean water and what a special gift it could be to reach out to others who don’t have it!

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Guest Friday, 27 December 2024