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Water in Our Cells
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About 90% of our blood is water and 75% of our muscle tissue is water. On the cellular level, 60% of water is inside the cell and 40% is surrounding the cell.
Even without microscopes, ancient philosophers recognized that water is essential to life. Moving water has more oxygen, energy and cleansing powers. It also has more structure to it, making it more absorbable by life forms on the cellular level.
Dr. Jhon calls this advanced structured water “hexagonal” water because of the 6-sided shape of structured water. Without being in smaller clusters when taking on the hexagonal shape, water clusters are bigger and much harder for an organism to absorb it easily.
In addition, structured water is capable of cleaning itself of not only toxins but of the negative energy left by the memory of those toxins. So it looks like drinking hexagonal water makes for one happy cell! That means better health, energy and vitality for every living being this life-giving water comes in contact with.
Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon
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