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Water in the Orthodox Church

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Every year on January 6th the Orthodox Church has a ceremony called the Great Blessing of the Waters. Prayers are said over a large bowl of water, the Holy Spirit called upon and a cross is submerged in it. It is a symbolic celebration of Christ’s baptism.

The role of baptism in Christianity is seen as a ritual cleansing of sins. There is no question that living water is very cleansing both to drink and bathe in. The blessing ceremony is done outside most of the time. One church on the island of Patmos does their ceremony at the harbor, surrounded by 30 or more fishing boats. Once the abbot puts the cross in the water, all the boats sound horns and young men and boys swim in a race to be the first to get the cross and return it to the abbot.

The church believes that through baptism we are renewed, born again, and purified, sending positive energy into the cosmos for all its believers to be uplifted by. (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)

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Guest Friday, 14 February 2025