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Islam's Water

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In the Qur’an, it is written that God sends the rain. This correlates with their belief that God sends down stories that all Creation came from water. Water is their sign that creation is a miracle.

The point is made in the Qur’an that no matter how big one’s ship, the ocean is always stronger, bigger, and able to destroy. The Islam believers therefore pray to God to deliver them safely to their destination. In their description of paradise, rivers flow into gardens, since all life, including water, returns to God. The water seems to have its own spirit that propels it to continuously move in oceans and rivers.

The Islam people also believed bathing to be sacred in that they were using part of God’s creation to be clean again. The Qur’an sees clouds as “…a two-fold sign: their passage across the vault of the heavens is a sign of the ephemerality and impermanence of life on this earth, and as a result, clouds are not merely a sign of water’s metamorphosis into vapor, but are in themselves the ‘upper water’ in visible form. In the form of clouds water shows its yearning for spiritual states and ascents.”

Islamic thoughts see water as a symbol of God’s oneness…it is colorless, without form, taste or smell, yet produces in plant life all those things. It is the life of everything, and they believe God’s throne is upon the waters. (Reference: Parabola Magazine Vol. 34 No. 2)

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