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How to Produce Structured Water
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Ever wonder how to produce structured water or hexagonal water?
Lower temperatures are proven to be more supportive of structured water, as does the scenario where water can cling to “biological molecules”. Water can reach 100% structure when it is in the super-cool state (below freezing but still liquid).
Also, water with added minerals or ions becomes structured, given that structure-inducing ions are used and not structure-breaking ions.
Some technologies even use magnetic or electric (ionization) currents to structure water. Magnetic methods have a success rate of structuring 80% of the water. Electrolyzation works by placing water in an electric field which separates alkaline and acidic water. However, it is only effective for a certain period of time before the water returns to its previous state.
There are also water structuring devices that cause the water to twist clockwise and counter-clockwise, creating a vortex effect. This mimics nature’s babbling brook where the water cascades over rocks, twisting playfully and churning within itself over and over again.
Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon
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