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Cosmic Awareness Communications Endorses Structured Water Unit

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Our most fascinating endorsement yet! We were informed that a man named Will Berlinghof in Calgary channeled information from a source called Cosmic Awareness on March 8th about our Structured Water Units and gave it a resounding endorsement. We were unaware of this organization until they recently purchased our product and sent us this information.

Here is what was channeled:

Question: There is a structured water unit offered for sale on the internet.  It refers to truly amazing technology that uses an advanced understanding of vortex sciences utilizing the dynamic characteristic of water and geometric structures that allow the water to work up on itself at the the molecular level to create naturally balanced water.  Water is the machine, no moving parts or chemicals, totally pure just like water running down a beautiful river.  A list of the benefits to humanity is included.  I'll just hold up what it looks like and point to it if this is available to you?

This Awareness can see not the picture but the energy around this device.  That It is able to connect and "see".

Questioner: Thank you.Do you have comments concerning the validity of this unit please?

First of all this Awareness sees this as the new technologies of the times ahead where one is living in harmony once again, in balance once again with Mother Earth, with Gaia, and through such devices is able to purify and cleanse the waters, energetically balancing them as well without adding the toxic chemicals that are now used to clean the water. That this Awareness endorses this product and says it is one that will help keep clean and clear and energize the water.

Questioner: Wonderful! Thank you for that information.

It is not that everyone will immediately jump for it but this Awareness does indicate that these devices, these new world devices, are ready to come out more and more, including free energy devices, including energy devices that clear the air in one's home and bring strong powerful balanced air into one's living space.  Many other such devices are ready to come forward.  This is one that has already stepped into consciousness in the manner of being made available now.  This Awareness would say that it is an excellent device indeed for those who are concerned with the quality of their drinking water and the water generally which they use also to clean fruits and vegetables, to bathe or shower in or to use in whatever way is right and needed by them.  The individual is free to make their choice, this Awareness can only state that It sees this as a very valid product and It does indeed endorse it.

For more info about CAC visit their site:

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



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