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In Japan, hexagonal structured water is used to reduce “abnormal fermentation” in the digestive tract which would cause constipation or diarrhea. This promoted usage was announced in the 1970’s by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

It is well-known that a malfunctioning digestive system can lead to much bigger health problems. The fermentation process is the key in this issue. Microorganisms in digestion help us absorb nutrients and detox the body, and sometimes certain foods they are breaking down becomes fermented, killing good bacteria and allowing bad bacteria and yeast to grow.

Drinking good quality water may help the entire body’s functions including the digestive system. Dr. Jhon cites “Japanese experts” when listing four qualifications for drinking water: it must have no “harmful substances”, must not be boiled for extended periods, should have a balance of essential minerals, and alkaline ionized water is better than neutral or distilled water.

Dr. Jhon adds that water can also be polluted with memory and vibrations. This is why drinking hexagonal or structured water, which erases water’s memory, could be so beneficial.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 38524

This post will explore the biology of structured water. Why is hexagonal or structured water so special? Dr. Jhon explains: “Hexagonal Water—comprised of small molecular units or ring-shaped clusters—moves easily within the cellular matrix of the body, helping with nutrient absorption and waste removal. It aids metabolic processes, supports the immune system, contributes to lasting vitality and acts as a carrier or dissolved oxygen. It can provide alkaline minerals to the body and it helps in the more efficient removal of acidic wastes. Drinking Hexagonal Water takes us in the direction of greater health.”

There was an experiment done where snow water, the water with the highest known amount of hexagonal structure, was used to sprout wheat. The enzymes that are activated during sprouting were significantly more efficient with snow water than with any other water used.

Dr. Jhon notes that water’s structure is ultimately more significant than the source it is retrieved from. Of course, one would try to choose the best source possible, but structured water does clean itself. In a final thought, Dr. Jhon talks about theory vs. fact: “For a long time this information has been theory however, clinical research has begun to substantiate the theory and vast numbers of individuals are benefiting from the use of Hexagonal Water, today.” What would the world be like if we could all have access to structured water?

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 17336

Hello Water Lovers,

We here at wanted to take a moment and thank all of our readers and customers for checking us out and trying out our products. We hope you have enjoyed structured water and all the research we have shared with you as much as we have enjoyed sharing it with you.

Our mission has never changed: help get structured water to the world. We want to do that either by selling our products or by informing you of other ways to create structured water for you, your family, pets, friends, guests, plants, pipes and loved ones. This is one of the reasons we are continuing to compile one of the most comprehensive water websites on the internet. It is full of wonderful articles and blog posts so that water lovers like you can learn about the importance of structured water and hopefully spread the news.

So we hope you keep coming back to read and learn more. We would appreciate it if you would link to our website or spread our web address or articles to your friends and families either by email, Facebook, Google Plus or however you like. Just copy and paste the address from the address bar of your favorite articles or pages and link or send away. By doing that you are helping us to complete our mission of getting structured water to the world.

Our products have begun to take off around the world and we are just getting started. But we couldn't have made it this far without you, so thank you!


Water Lovers of

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Hits: 9362

This post explores some concepts around water in nature. The colder water gets, the more structured it becomes because the number of hydrogen bonds rises. As water freezes it expands by 9% for the molecules to fit into place in its full crystalline structure.

The density and energy of water is at its height when the temperature is at 39.2ºF. Pangman and Evans write: “If we provide the circumstances that increase water’s structure—without freezing—water’s life force is maximized. Keeping water cool contributes to its structural organization as well as to its capacity to hold nutrients and store energy.”

This is yet another reason why water in nature works so well. Streams usually come from melted snow from the mountains. This water, just above freezing temperatures, is able to structure itself and hold minerals as it moves along. It has been said that there could be many health advantages to drinking snow water directly from the mountains for these benefits alone, besides being mostly unpolluted and pure. We can’t all live in the mountains, but we can keep our water cold with technology and structured with water-structuring products

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 9241

This post explores concepts around the polarity of water. In polarity, opposite forces are continually coming together and separating again, creating new life cycles. Polarity is everywhere in nature, a part of life. Male and female types of energy give and take in a Yin and Yang fashion in a constant cycle.

There is usually a little more female energy than male energy. In the chemical composition of the water molecule, Hydrogen is feminine because it is giving electrons. Oxygen is masculine because it takes those electrons. Since there are two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, the male to female ratio is 1:2.

The side of the oxygen molecule where the two hydrogen atoms are attached is the positive charge and the opposite side is the negative charge. That is the reason the water molecule is considered polarized. Water molecules come together by the negative side (oxygen) seeking out more positive charges (hydrogen). When six molecules come together, it forms a hexagonal shape. This is when water is at its best structure and quality, and why it's useful to know a little bit about the polarity of water.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 8180