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Structured Water Stories:Mary Harper

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February 17th, 2011
I was very skeptical when I first heard about the Structured Water Unit.  A friend in my yoga class had just bought a house and installed the unit.  He kept talking about how huge his tomatoes were, how much fruit his trees were baring and that there was no chlorine smell to his water.  Living in Southern California, you can bet your water smells like chlorine and is hard as a rock.
When I remodeled, I had dedicated cold water line installed with a filter.  Every 9 months, the water would trickle out of the spout indicating another clogged filter and another $100 to replace it.  And every time I showered, there was still the odor of chlorine.  I knew the water was bad, but none of the products on the market offered a better solution so I just begrudgingly lived with it.
After a fair amount of research about the unit, I decided to purchase one.  I was intrigued by the combination of technology and the power of intent.  No filters to change, no moving parts to wear out. And I could make my water even healthier by adding my intent…PERFECT.
I had the unit installed in October, 2010.  Then I totally forgot about it.  I just knew that when I took a shower in the morning, there was no chlorine smell.  
But after 3 months I started to take stock of the changes I was seeing. I had not changed any habits at all…I only changed my water.  At first, my skin broke out, like acne…all over my body.  I attribute that to a detox period, me and my house.  Then my skin got better and better and better.  Now I have people asking me if I’ve had Botox or fillers…No, I just changed my water.  My skin looks AMAZING…hydrated and fresh.  My esthetician keeps asking if I am using new products because my pores are so clean…No, it’s the water!  I rarely have to use body lotion which is unheard of in my dry climate. I only need to shampoo my hair twice a week if I rinse it every day in the shower.  It is so much shinier and healthier. And when I shower, the water tastes sweet!  It’s incredible!!!
My home is beautifully landscaped.  Living in Los Angeles, we ration our water.  I am only allowed to water 2 times per week.  But with the water unit, it is no problem.  My garden looks as lush and green as when I was watering every day.  When I plant vegetables in my raised bed, they appear to grow overnight. It’s the water!
The tree in the parkway in front of my house is about 70-100 years old.  It has been sick for years; blooming and shedding at odd times of the year not in sync with the other similar trees in the neighborhood. It lost a limb one night that fell on my car and destroyed it.  This past dropping season, that started about a month after I installed the unit, it was in sync with the other neighborhood trees. The flax planted in the same bed has doubled in size in 3 months.
This one you are not going to believe…I have a turtle and couldn’t wait for him to experience the amazing effects of structured water.  But I forgot to add back some bacteria from his old water when I cleaned his tank.  He developed a raging eye infection.  The water was too clean. I treated him 3 times a day with antibiotics directly to his eyes for 2 weeks with very little change.  Then I remembered intent and wrote “Heal” on his tank with a marker.  His infection cleared up in 3 days!  If it hadn’t happened to me, I would never believe it, but it did and I do.
And then there are the calcium and lime deposits…in my teapot.  They were so bad I had to use industrial strength lime remover weekly to get them out.  That teapot finally died and I got a new glass one…after a month there is not a lime or calcium deposit on the thing.  Same thing on the black tiles in my showers. Squeeky clean!
I wish I had paid more attention when I had the unit installed…I would probably have stories a mile long, but alas I didn’t.  I just know that my water is now amazing and healthy. You can see its effects in my garden and in my person.  Maybe it has even helped my mood and my stress level…something certainly has and it would not surprise me in the least that the water has a hand in it.
Please feel free to use any and all that I have written here.  
Thank You!
Mary Harper
Los Angeles, CA


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