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Just wanted to drop you a note and bring you up to date on plant growth here. The tomatoes are the big story. The main stalk on all the tomato plants are four to five times larger in diameter. Really weird to view as they seem to have morphed into tomato plants on steroids. All the fruit on these plants is still green, but it has been exceptionally cool, at night, all summer long.
The hot tub water is wild. Feels like rain water; all the time (just like the shower and bath). This has to be due to filling with structured water, having the garden unit on the hot tub and using only one teaspoon of chlorine every two weeks. The chlorine is probably just a mental thing at this point.
Skin is much smoother and requires little or no lotion where much was needed before (I live at 8000 feet in a very dry climate). Soap scum has been reduced on all surfaces by 80% or more.
The dishes are squeaky spotless, the shower doors are clear and all calcium deposits are.....NON EXISTENT !!!! Also, no water spots on the cars and trucks when washed.
As from the start, the only water we'll drink is from the structuring unit; all other water WILL NOT DO !!! Can't stand the taste of all bottled water and chlorinated tap water smells and tastes like swimming pool water. Don't have a pool, but if I did, I would have a commercial unit and do away with the chemicals.
My grass is a deeper green and has to be trimmed twice as much as the surrounding neighbors. All plants have grown at an alarming rate and seem to resist near freezing temps much more than I ever recall in all previous plantings.
This is truly a gift of knowledge that should not be ignored. Water is a remarkable substance and we have a long way to go in the complete understanding of what it is and what it does.
Christopher Cozby
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