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Surfing on the Water

It is unknown how long surfing has been around, but explorers to the Polynesian Islands observed natives doing it in the 1700’s. The art of surfing is a great way to discover the nature of water, as well as the enormous power it holds.

There are many dangers of surfing which include rip currents, very strong oceanic currents that carry everything in them further out to sea. A surfer must learn to respect this power and learn how to ride a wave without going against the current. Surfing, like all water sports, carries the inherent danger of drowning. Anyone at any age can learn to surf, but should have at least intermediate swimming skills.

Many surfers claim that once mastered, the art of surfing brings them to a place of feeling spiritually whole and complete. It is the act of being one with the water, swimming in it, riding the waves, and bowing out to catch the next one.

Even the rip tides are useful when surfers are going out further to catch the big waves. Some countries have tried to build man-made reefs to create bigger waves and attract surfing business; however, this usually does not work and the artificial reefs are removed. Nature has a way of creating the perfect underwater landscapes that no one can compete with. The result: a wonderful group of cresting waves perfect for the next surfer’s conquest.


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Hits: 10915
What is Hexagonal Water? - Revisited

We would now like to revisit this question: What is Hexagonal Water?

Hexagonal water is water that is structured. A phrase coined by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, “hexagonal water” was his way of describing the complete structure that takes on a hexagonal shape at the molecular level.

Scientists like Dr. Jhon are now finding that hexagonal water contains the components necessary for life, energy and positive cell growth. Looking at cancerous cells with nuclear magnetic resonance, one example being the MRI machine, the water within these cells is more chaotic in its movements than that of a healthy cell. A doctor by the name of Raymond Damadian made this discovery in the 1970’s and proposed that an MRI could potentially be used for cancer screening at the cellular level.

Today the MRI is in fact used to diagnose many different cancers in the body. Dr. Jhon has found in his studies that the thinner the line-width in the water molecule unit, the stronger the bond between it and other water molecules as well as higher cell function: “According to measurements made by Dr. Jhon, hexagonally-structured water a half-line width between 60 and 70 Hz. Bulk water can measure between 85 and 150 Hz, depending on the quality of the water. Most tap water sources today measure 100 Hz or greater.”

It is suggested by Dr. Jhon that hexagonal water can be stabilized by using vortex motion, as discovered by Viktor Schauberger. All evidence seems to point to the possibility that hexagonal or structured water as it is referred to here is superior for absorption when compared to unstructured water, given the above studies. Here is another hexagonal water article that may further answer the question: What is Hexagonal Water?

Reference: "Hexagonal Water—The Ultimate Solution" by M.J. Pangman, M.S.

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Hits: 19519
Water in the Past

Dr. Jhon states that “Historically, only those civilizations that could control their supply of water were successful. Accordingly, all the major civilizations throughout history have begun around large rivers.”

The Mesopotamians started in-between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Chinese started on the Huang Ho River. The people of India started on the Ganges River. Finally, the Egyptians started on the Nile River.

Other cultures got their start by inventing wells, irrigation structures and rainfall containers. It is reported that the ancient Greek civilization had a term “hydrography” referring to their study of water. In the world of water today, there are many organizations dedicated to funding fresh, clean drinking water delivery to nations that are struggling.

Water has always been associated with wealth and success. The knowledge we now are starting to understand about structured water brings with it the hope that every nation can benefit from it. We can most likely never overestimate the power of clean water and what a special gift it could be to reach out to others who don’t have it!

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 31086

Hello Water Lovers,

We here at wanted to take a moment and thank all of our readers and customers for checking us out and trying out our products. We hope you have enjoyed structured water and all the research we have shared with you as much as we have enjoyed sharing it with you.

Our mission has never changed: help get structured water to the world. We want to do that either by selling our products or by informing you of other ways to create structured water for you, your family, pets, friends, guests, plants, pipes and loved ones. This is one of the reasons we are continuing to compile one of the most comprehensive water websites on the internet. It is full of wonderful articles and blog posts so that water lovers like you can learn about the importance of structured water and hopefully spread the news.

So we hope you keep coming back to read and learn more. We would appreciate it if you would link to our website or spread our web address or articles to your friends and families either by email, Facebook, Google Plus or however you like. Just copy and paste the address from the address bar of your favorite articles or pages and link or send away. By doing that you are helping us to complete our mission of getting structured water to the world.

Our products have begun to take off around the world and we are just getting started. But we couldn't have made it this far without you, so thank you!


Water Lovers of

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Hits: 9561

This post explores some concepts around water in nature. The colder water gets, the more structured it becomes because the number of hydrogen bonds rises. As water freezes it expands by 9% for the molecules to fit into place in its full crystalline structure.

The density and energy of water is at its height when the temperature is at 39.2ºF. Pangman and Evans write: “If we provide the circumstances that increase water’s structure—without freezing—water’s life force is maximized. Keeping water cool contributes to its structural organization as well as to its capacity to hold nutrients and store energy.”

This is yet another reason why water in nature works so well. Streams usually come from melted snow from the mountains. This water, just above freezing temperatures, is able to structure itself and hold minerals as it moves along. It has been said that there could be many health advantages to drinking snow water directly from the mountains for these benefits alone, besides being mostly unpolluted and pure. We can’t all live in the mountains, but we can keep our water cold with technology and structured with water-structuring products

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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