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Toxic Water
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The amount of pollutants in our water has grown significantly since the development of synthetic chemicals during the last 100 years. These chemicals are being disposed of right into Earth’s water supply. During this period of time, developmental illnesses have been climbing. This could affect our DNA, leading to birth defects, and impair our immune system so that risk of disease is higher. Not only are these chemicals in our food and water, but also in the materials our homes are built with, and in our toiletries and cleaning supplies.
Why are synthetic chemicals so bad for our water? Adams explains: “The core issue with synthetic chemicals is that they interrupt the fragile balance existing among nature’s biochemical recycling systems. As a result, they clog the arteries of our ecosystem. Today there are mountains of synthetic chemistry loading up our dumps, landfills, lakes, rivers, and oceans. These mountains are decomposing very slowly—outgassing and breaking down into potent toxins. These toxins are percolating through our soils into our ground-waters. Americans generated 1,643 pounds of mostly toxic trash per person in 2005. A mere 32% of that was recycled.”
How can we start to turn this around? The best way is not to buy items that contain plastics or synthetic chemicals. If you wouldn’t eat it, it should not be dumped in a landfill or the ocean…because that is further polluting the water we eventually drink.
Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
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