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How Often To Drink Water
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According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, water should be ingested 30 minutes before meals, anytime thirst arises, two and a half hours after meals, first thing in the morning, before exercise, and extra water for those who suffer from constipation and/or do not eat fruits or vegetables. If that sounds like too much, consider these few facts Dr. Batmanghelidj reminds us of: “Every twenty-four hours the body recycles the equivalent of forty thousand glasses of water to maintain its normal physiological functions. It does this every day of its life. Within this pattern of water metabolism and its recycling process, and depending on environmental conditions, the body becomes short of about six to ten glasses of water each day. This deficit has to be supplied to the body every day.” The body needs half its weight in ounces every day to be able to complete its minimum functions.
So many of the patients of Dr. Batmanghelidj who took his advice have improved their lives and health greatly doing just a few simple things like drinking more water.
Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
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