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One result of the loss of the thirst feeling as we age is weight gain. The thirst sensation is often confused with hunger. Eating food when the body really needs water raises the levels of sugar concentration in the blood. Weight gain can bring a whole other host of ailments. By the time the thirst-confused individual does drink, they have been dehydrated far too long. Since we do not associate many ailments with thirst, we do not feel the need to drink any more than a glass here and there. However, most bodies need more than a couple glasses in a day. The result is chronic dehydration. It is not enough to kill a person right away; just enough to keep them deficient in fighting off immune system attacks and bodily dysfunction. Histamine is an emergency substance to regulate water to the important areas of the body, but it also will do some long-term damage. Histamine is not meant to be released all the time.

Dr. Batmanghelidj shares his opinion: “It seems to me that the loss of the thirst sensation is an adaptive process to false information that water is not available because we don’t drink it. If the body is once again conditioned to regular and adequate water intake, however, the thirst sensation becomes sharp and the urge to drink becomes strong. The body begins to indicate water shortage more forcefully.” Rehydration is a slow process. For all the cells to become hydrated again it will take a few days.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 26123

The brain runs on hydroelectric power. Our cells are designed to be full of and surrounded by water. They have turbines that regulate the flow of water coming in and going out. When water brings energy to the cell, its energy can be stored with adenosine triphosphate (ATP), guanosine triphosphate (GTP), and the endoplasmic reticulum. Some of this energy is used to pump out unwanted particles by cation pumps. These same pumps also bring in useful particles. 

Dr. Batmanghelidj goes on: “It is my understanding that the microtubules in the waterways of all cells, including the long nerves, are made of cation pumps that are stuck together.” The cation pumps create energy on their own, which is also stored for future use. The brain will use this extra energy for its own functions. If there is dehydration of the cell, it is not able to store energy because it has used up that energy for survival. Water flowing in through the pumps is what creates that energy. Cation pumps are not only used in nerve cells. They are used in every cell in the body. The only thing more important to the brain than water is oxygen. In order for oxygen to reach the brain, there needs to be plenty of hydration first.

 Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 8536

Fatigue is what happens when the body runs out of energy. Water is the body’s way of making sure it receives energetic compounds, in addition to water itself. Water is the carrier of everything our cells need. Our brain uses an enormous amount of energy. As brain energy decreases during dehydration, the brain is unable to carry out all its normal functions, a situation classified as depression.

Some use caffeine to get a rush of energy. It does do the job initially, but also dehydrates the body further. It is important to understand the process so that water can be substituted if desired. One cup of coffee or tea makes more urine volume than the initial volume the person ingested. They are diuretics, meaning they force more water to be expelled. Caffeine also changes the way the body reads its own energy levels. This throws the cells off balance. 

Without water, the energy in each cell is gradually drained as Dr. Batmanghelidj notes: “Now all a cell can do is stop most of its functions in order to survive. More and more, the body loses its ability to use brain energy to do mental or physical work, and the person becomes passive, in a vegetative mode of social behavior.” It would appear that the problem of fatigue could use more water in the body. 

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 9400

The amount of pollutants in our water has grown significantly since the development of synthetic chemicals during the last 100 years. These chemicals are being disposed of right into Earth’s water supply. During this period of time, developmental illnesses have been climbing. This could affect our DNA, leading to birth defects, and impair our immune system so that risk of disease is higher. Not only are these chemicals in our food and water, but also in the materials our homes are built with, and in our toiletries and cleaning supplies.

Why are synthetic chemicals so bad for our water? Adams explains: “The core issue with synthetic chemicals is that they interrupt the fragile balance existing among nature’s biochemical recycling systems. As a result, they clog the arteries of our ecosystem. Today there are mountains of synthetic chemistry loading up our dumps, landfills, lakes, rivers, and oceans. These mountains are decomposing very slowly—outgassing and breaking down into potent toxins. These toxins are percolating through our soils into our ground-waters. Americans generated 1,643 pounds of mostly toxic trash per person in 2005. A mere 32% of that was recycled.”

How can we start to turn this around? The best way is not to buy items that contain plastics or synthetic chemicals. If you wouldn’t eat it, it should not be dumped in a landfill or the ocean…because that is further polluting the water we eventually drink.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. 

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Hits: 62592

Histamine is present when we are developing as a fetus in our mother’s womb. It is the first neurotransmitter in our body. That is because histamine oversees water distribution and cell growth by delivering water and nutrition such as potassium to each cell. When the cells are strong enough, they will begin the process of dividing over and over again. Histamine also protects the cell against bacteria, viruses and chemicals.

The most natural antihistamine is water. Histamine stops producing rapidly when water is present. That is why Dr. Batmanghelidj recommends a dietary increase in water for those producing too much histamine such as people who suffer from asthma and allergies. Drinking a couple glasses of water will release adrenaline from the sympathetic nervous system for about 90 minutes. Exercise also releases adrenaline.

Dr. Batmanghelidj describes more about histamine: “The excess histamine is held in storage for its drought-management program, yet its immune system stimulation will cause a greater-than-required release of the agent. Histamine-producing cells release their histamine reserves, and they immediately begin to divide and create new histamine-producing cells.” Without water, we have too much of a good thing. While histamine is designed to protect and provide, there needs to be inner balance between all chemicals in the body.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 11304