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The amount of pollutants in our water has grown significantly since the development of synthetic chemicals during the last 100 years. These chemicals are being disposed of right into Earth’s water supply. During this period of time, developmental illnesses have been climbing. This could affect our DNA, leading to birth defects, and impair our immune system so that risk of disease is higher. Not only are these chemicals in our food and water, but also in the materials our homes are built with, and in our toiletries and cleaning supplies.

Why are synthetic chemicals so bad for our water? Adams explains: “The core issue with synthetic chemicals is that they interrupt the fragile balance existing among nature’s biochemical recycling systems. As a result, they clog the arteries of our ecosystem. Today there are mountains of synthetic chemistry loading up our dumps, landfills, lakes, rivers, and oceans. These mountains are decomposing very slowly—outgassing and breaking down into potent toxins. These toxins are percolating through our soils into our ground-waters. Americans generated 1,643 pounds of mostly toxic trash per person in 2005. A mere 32% of that was recycled.”

How can we start to turn this around? The best way is not to buy items that contain plastics or synthetic chemicals. If you wouldn’t eat it, it should not be dumped in a landfill or the ocean…because that is further polluting the water we eventually drink.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. 

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Hits: 62604

Histamine is present when we are developing as a fetus in our mother’s womb. It is the first neurotransmitter in our body. That is because histamine oversees water distribution and cell growth by delivering water and nutrition such as potassium to each cell. When the cells are strong enough, they will begin the process of dividing over and over again. Histamine also protects the cell against bacteria, viruses and chemicals.

The most natural antihistamine is water. Histamine stops producing rapidly when water is present. That is why Dr. Batmanghelidj recommends a dietary increase in water for those producing too much histamine such as people who suffer from asthma and allergies. Drinking a couple glasses of water will release adrenaline from the sympathetic nervous system for about 90 minutes. Exercise also releases adrenaline.

Dr. Batmanghelidj describes more about histamine: “The excess histamine is held in storage for its drought-management program, yet its immune system stimulation will cause a greater-than-required release of the agent. Histamine-producing cells release their histamine reserves, and they immediately begin to divide and create new histamine-producing cells.” Without water, we have too much of a good thing. While histamine is designed to protect and provide, there needs to be inner balance between all chemicals in the body.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 11307

As the popularity of soft drinks, energy drinks, sugary juice-flavored drinks, and coffee rises, children are often chronically dehydrated without knowing it. A growing child needs more water because a growing body needs plenty of water. Many children are already dehydrated because of this situation. Their cells are constantly dividing and getting bigger. That requires a lot of water. Many children today quench their thirst with other non-water sources. Without the water they need, histamine is released. Histamine regulates water in the body.

Unfortunately, excessive histamine also causes allergies and asthma by closing the bronchioles so that water is not lost through exhalation. It saves water for the body but makes breathing very difficult. If a child does not learn to recognize thirst signals and to drink water very early on, they may have an extremely hard time staying healthy.

Another reason kids need water is because their brain is still developing. In order to have a developed attention span and emotional coping skills, water is necessary. Many teenagers today seem to have lost their energy and ability to focus in school. A hydrated child could have an abundance of energy and focus throughout their entire day, setting a behavioral pattern for life

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 37111

Cartilage cells die rapidly as the body moves around. They have to be regenerated in order for the body to be able to continue to move. If repair can’t happen quickly enough, the cells that line the joint will release a hormone that encourages faster repair. There will also be pain by this time as the joints lose their protection.

Cartilage does not function well in an acidic environment. Water is needed to wash away the acidic toxins in the joints. Salt is also great for removing acidity. Water and salt are necessary for this cleansing process. The salt will raise the flow of hydration through the joint since salt retains water.

When cartilage is repaired, white blood cells remove the old fragments first. Then red blood cells are released to the area for healing. This will cause stiffness and pain. Amino acids come in to assess any protein breakdown. White blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide and ozone to keep the joint clean and to provide oxygen to the working cells that are too busy repairing to get their own oxygen from the blood. The joints become deformed with this repair process, producing the telltale signs of arthritis. The brain reproduces this effect in all other similar joints, which is why hands and feet will look identical to each other in their deformities. Water is a great way to fight against cartilage deterioration before it begins.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



Hits: 18085

Neurotransmitters are chemicals produced in the brain to send information throughout the body via nerve passageways. Amino acids, which come from protein, are broken apart by enzymes in the cells. The left-overs from this process turn into “chemical messengers”.

There are five major systems that these chemicals support. First is the serotonergic system. It uses serotonin. Second is the histaminergic system. It uses histamine. Third is the adrenergic system. It uses adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine. Fourth is the cholinergic system. It uses acetylcholine. Fifth is the opiate system. It uses endorphins and enkephalins. This system handles pain relief. These neurotransmitters are kept at the end of nerves. They are released when the brain triggers an electrical notification. Since each group of nerves is so closely packed together, they require a protective coating of cholesterol.

Dr.Batmanghelidj offers his opinion: “In most neurological disorders, loss of nerve insulation is a primary contributing factor. It is damage to this insulation layer that causes a variety of symptoms, which are grouped and, in certain circumstances, labeled as ‘multiple sclerosis.’” Cholesterol is very important for nerve ending protection. Water is necessary for the brain to function on all these multiple tiers of work and to receive protection.

Reference: “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

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Hits: 114124