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Anonymous Structured Water Testimonial

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I just received an amazing testimonial on the benefits of structured water from a customer who recently bought a Structured Water Unit. The customer would rather remain anonymous so I couldn't put it on the main structured water testimonials page (we only use testimonials on the main website when we can put a name to it) but I thought I would share it on the blog because it is a really powerful experience they are having with the water.

Here it is:

"Haven’t got the Whole House Unit installed yet, but have been using the “mobile unit” (Portable Unit) since receiving it. Curiously, the first glass with 4x thru the mobile unit sparked a strong urge for more … all of a sudden it seems that my body prefers structured water to plain water as well as the various soda’s I consumed (Canada Dry Ginger Ale or Canfield Sparkling Seltzer water, neither of which use corn fructose) so, I’ve been drinking 5-6 8oz glasses w/ice cubes per day for a few weeks now. I also been giving our two dogs structured water and they too 'like' it.

What I’ve noticed physically is my on-going continuous sinus drainage (last five years w/no help whatsoever from medical establishment) has hugely diminished. Formerly, I required nightly use of Breath Right nose strips in order to simply breath while sleeping, otherwise I’d awaken 3-4 times nightly and have to blow my nose and sometimes use a Netty-pot just to nose-breath again. 3-4 days following first use of the mobile unit I noticed my nose wasn’t plugged before retiring to bed, so I thought 'let’s try tonight w/o Breath Right' … I had the first night without awakening with plugged nose in years A few days later (about 10 days from start of Structured water) I noticed my hemorrhoids which I’ve been treating nightly for three years w/SSKI & DMSO 50/50 were now rapidly shrinking! This was literally a 'holy f*@kin’ sh*t! moment' … no kidding!  For years now the SSKI-DMSO treatment had stopped progression of hemorrhoid protrusion, but had not reversed it … now suddenly it was reversing with nothing being any different in my daily life (food, activity level, vitamin consumption, etc.) … Wow!

Certainly, I have not run any double blind studies on myself, so this is purely anecdotal however, my nasal blockage and hemorrhoids of several years standing have absolutely been reduced to relative insignificance, so I am rightly enthusiastic and endorse Structured water.

Now then, the theoretical hexagonal water molecule structure by definition incorporates the ability for elimination, extraction, and cleansing of malformed energies (toxic physical presences in one’s body) such that over time one becomes healthier energy-wise. This then shows up as increased mental acuity and physical energy. I am 71 in two weeks and I have most definitely experienced the improvements noted above. Hallelujah "

To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.



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  • Hilda Tanner Monday, 05 March 2018

    Great article! That was informative article
    Adam Smith @ Natural Dog Food

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