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10 Of My Favorite Things About Water

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10 Of My Favorite Things About Water:

    1. Its wonderfully hydrating.
    2. It cleanses my body.
    3. It sparkles in the sunlight.
    4. It makes soothing sounds in nature.
    5. It comes from outer space.
    6. It smells amazing when it rains, especially in the desert.
    7. It makes animals happy.
    8. It's intelligent.
    9. It dances.
    10. Its fun to swim in.

And that's 10 things off of the top of my head that I love about water, especially when it is structured water. I'm sure I could go on but I will stop at 10 for now. Please feel free to share some of your favorite things about water in the comments below.

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Guest Saturday, 27 July 2024