“ I Love, Love, Love my water… In fact, I don’t Leave home without it! I have used all kinds of “conscious water” products and didn’t feel any different. With this unit I noticed the effects within the first day. I felt like a deep exhaustion (that I didn’t know was there) had left my body. That was just the beginning of the remarkable
One of the things the [unit] does is structure the water so it embodies a photonic field, photonic fields dissipates positive and negative charges. Which means past emotional content disappears! Our bodies are 70% water, and for me, having my body being 70% photonic has made being and facilitating consciousness so
much easier! Also as each of us embody the photonic field of being we shift everything around us into a photonic field for 1,000 feet! Just imagine what the world would be like if everyone were allowing themselves to relax into their being? Thank you Clayton and Natural Action Technologies!”